

Saturday, November 17, 2018

As The Brits Say “Good Luck Mate”

October 22 was municipal Election Day in Ontario. The results brought few surprises, Oh yes !, silly me, everyone elected is pledged to administrate capitalism. 

The main media focus was on Toronto, in view of Premier Ford’s cutting the wards down from 44 to 25. John Tory was re-elected as Mayor with 63.5 per cent of the vote.

 So arch-tory Tory will now have problems getting a majority to push his bills through as some councilors don't see eye to eye with him and some are wild cards.

 Furthermore, Toronto has major problems with crime, lack of affordable housing, unemployment, poverty, homelessness, a very high cost of living and traffic congestion, in fact, the normal problems of major metropolitan areas under the lovely economic system we live under. 

All this Mr. Tory faces; as the Brits would say, ''Good Luck Mate''.
For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

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