

Saturday, November 17, 2018

More Positivity Needed. The Case For Socialism.

The most significant thing about the Ontario municipal elections was the low turn-out of voters. 

Toronto did quite well with 41 per cent. Misssissauga had 27 per cent and London 39. 

Some had thought it would be higher there because London became Canada's first city to have first, second and third choice candidates, but it made no difference. 

Some Toronto wards with large working-class populations polled as low as 32 to 27 per cent; all of which suggests many have given up hoping for any improvement in their lives from those they elect.

 As positive as this is it would be even more positive if their despair would lead them to study the case for Socialism. 
For socialism, 

Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC

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