

Monday, November 19, 2018

But Let’s Face It..

We of the SPC are as horrified as anyone else over the slaughter in Pittsburg, but realize that as long as capitalism continues this sort of thing also will, in fact, become more frequent. 

Though Trump isn't anti-semitic, nevertheless his, ''there's us and there's the others'', attitude is conducive to racist thinking, (if one can call it thinking); one can say it's halfway to government sanctioned, racism.

 Ironically, a few minutes later I heard the terrible news, I was watching, ''South Pacific'', in which John Kerr, sings, ''You've Got to Be Carefully Taught''. The song is about how parents teach their children to hate all those who aren't like them. If every parent instead taught their kids love of humanity it would be a wonderful thing, but let’s face it, this will not happen as long as we live in a society which by its very abnormal nature is divisive. 

If you want to see the end of atrocities, like the one in Pittsburg, then work towards putting the run on capitalism.
For socialism,

Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

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