

Monday, November 19, 2018

Red Jackie

Jackie McNamara Snr Billy McNeill called him a “wee commie bastard”, Kenny Dalglish dubbed him “Trotsky”. 

“While the rest of them were playing cards, I’d be reading The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists,” Jackie McNamara Senior once recalled of his Celtic days, when he picked up the nickname Red Jackie. 

It had emerged that he sold Soviet Weekly when he was a kid, not that he tried to hide political convictions inherited from his father, who had been one of the Clyde’s youngest shipyard shop stewards. 

After a Drybrough Cup win over Rangers, Jimmy Johnstone told McNamara it was a grand a man for the bonus. But because he was younger, McNamara only got £250. “Wages were wages but I reckoned bonuses should be the same for everyone. Unfortunately, Billy and Jock [Stein] didn’t see it that way!” 

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