

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Capitalism Humbug, would’ve been better.

A letter came in my mail from Toronto’s Scott Mission, which calls itself, A Christian Ministry of Mercy and Love, asking for a donation to feed the homeless at Christmas. 

To quote, "But for those who are homeless and alone, there is no such thing as a holiday. Every single day is a new struggle to find food to eat and a safe place to stay”, which could also be said of many who are not homeless, especially as many parts of major cities are not safe. 

They also said, "for the last 77 years we have relied on the lords provision…”, well he’s not doing a very good job. Each meal they said would cost only $4.25, but what the good folks at Scott Mission don’t say is they’ll be starving the next day and for many afterward. 

What good is Christmas Spirit to them then? Perhaps Scrooge almost had it right when he said ‘Christmas Humbug'. Almost ‘cos' Capitalism Humbug, would’ve been better.

For socialism, 

Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC

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