

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Workers face the same problems result of living within the same system.

The last contract negotiated between GM and the auto-workers union, Unifor, which was in 2016, ensured that the plant in Oshawa would be in operation well past 2019. Imagine their shock and everyone else’s when GM announced it would lay off 2,700 workers there in December 2019. 

This was all the more amazing because GM had recently made $500 million in improvements at the plant and, to quote Mayor John Henry, ”those trucks are selling like crazy”. Unifor has been informed that, "There is no product allocated to the Oshawa plant past December 2019.

 Furthermore it will affect their suppliers and businesses in the Oshawa area. 

So one minute you think you’ve got a future and the next minute you find out the truth – that’s life under crapitalism.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC

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