

Sunday, April 14, 2019

How is society likely to evolve in the future?

The many discoveries of all the sciences, from astronomy to nuclear physics, amply demonstrate that the universe as we know it today is in perpetual evolution. Nature is in constant movement, continuously changing. Mankind itself is the product of this uninterrupted evolution of nature from inanimate matter right through to a living, intelligent being. Historical materialism is the science that studies one particular form of evolution – the evolution of human society. It is the evolution of “human society”, rather than of individual men, for a society cannot be reduced to a collection of individuals any more than a human being can be reduced to a sum of cells. Society is a specific reality whose evolution is governed by a specific set of laws. Society has been evolving ever since the beginning of humanity.

Despite some inadequacies, Marxism explains the social phenomena accompanying the evolution of society by society’s constant need to ensure its subsistence and reproduction, and its tendency to try and reduce its operating costs (to put it somewhat crudely). This explains why in its struggle to survive and reproduce, human society has at times been obliged to engage in some activities judged rather severely by the moral standards of today, such as slavery. This also explains why society came to be and is still divided into social classes, a reality that socialism is the means to ending. did not invent human aspirations for a just, egalitarian and free society; men have cherished this dream for a very long time. What socialists did was to take these aspirations and shape them into a revolutionary project to achieve the better society to which mankind aspires. Economic expansion accompanied by widespread suffering and injustice is not desirable social progress. A society motivated by the drive for private gain and special privilege is not progress. The hungry, oppressed and underprivileged of the world must know social democracy not as a smug slogan but as a dynamic way of life which sees the world as one whole, and which recognizes the right of every body to the highest available standard of living.

The aim of the Socialist Party is the establishment by democratic means of a cooperative commonwealth in which the supplying of human needs and enrichment of human life shall be the primary purpose of our society. In spite of great economic progress and expansion, large sections of people do not benefit from the increased wealth produced. Wealth and economic power continues to be concentrated in the hands of a relatively few. The gap between those at the bottom and those at the top of the economic scale has widened. Billions still live in want and insecurity, deprived of a decent life, condemned to a cheerless life. In short, the world is characterized by glaring inequalities of wealth and by the domination of one group over another. The growing concentration of private wealth has resulted in the economic dictatorship by a privileged few over the many.

The world's productive capacity is not fully utilized. Its use is governed by the dictates of private economic power and by considerations of, private profit. The drive for profit has despoiled our rich resources of soil, water, forest and minerals. This lack of social planning results in a waste of our human as well as our natural resources. Our human resources are wasted through social and economic conditions which stunt human growth, through unemployment and through our failure to provide adequate education. We need the wise development and conservation of its natural resources. Our industries can and should be operated as to enable our people to use fully their talents and skills. Such an economy will yield the maximum opportunities for individual development and the maximum of goods and services for the satisfaction of human needs. Unprecedented scientific and technological advances have brought us to the threshold of abundance for all. Opportunities for enriching the standard of life are greater than ever now. However, unless careful study and intelligent planning to meet the potential benefits for humanity, the evils of the past will be multiplied in the future. The technological changes will produce even greater concentrations of wealth and power and will cause widespread distress through unemployment and the displacement of populations. The challenge facing working people today is whether future development will continue to perpetuate inequalities or whether it will be based on principles of social justice.

The Socialist Party reaffirms its belief that our society must build a new relationship among people--a relationship where everyone will have a sense of worth and belonging, and will be enabled to develop his or her capacities to the full, working together in the people's interest. The Socialist Party will not rest content until every person in all lands is able to enjoy equality and freedom, a sense of human dignity, and an opportunity to live a rich and meaningful life as a citizen of a free and peaceful world. This is the cooperative commonwealth which the Socialist Party invites the workers of the world to build.

For people whose clothes are in rags we don’t offer to stitch them together with patches. We offer to make new and better clothing. The Socialist Party always put the interests of the working class first and foremost.

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