

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Proud to be Scottish? Dead at 63.

Being poor in Scotland doesn’t just take years off your life, it takes decades. Last year an NHS Lothian study found that people living in the wealthiest parts of Edinburgh could expect to live 21 years longer than those in the poorest ones. While the life expectancy of men from the New Town was an impressive 85, their counterparts in Greendykes and Niddrie Mains could expect a life of 63.6 years. 

Scotland had 934 registered drug-related deaths in 2017 and the highest rate per head of population of anywhere in the EU.

Of 6,738 hate crimes in 2017/18, two-thirds were race-related. That means that every day in Scotland. Nearly two-thirds of Muslim women in Scotland have witnessed or experienced a hate incident or crime. Every day in Scotland, there are about 12 cases of racist hate crime that prompt a complaint to the police. Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf described Protestant-Catholic sectarianism as a “vile cancer” afflicting football and warned clubs they needed to “step up”. 

In 2017/18, 2,255 rapes and attempted rapes were reported to the police, resulting in 107 convictions.

George Bernard Shaw described patriotism as “fundamentally, a conviction that a particular country is the best in the world because you were born in it”

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