

Monday, May 27, 2019

Socialist Party Solidarity

This is a crucial time for the working-class movement where workers express their solidarity with the struggles of their fellow-workers all over the world, when they re-pledge themselves to the fight for their rights and freedoms and to step up the struggle for the end of the exploitation of man by man. They say that the working-class movement has been defeated, that socialism has failed. But the question which they do not raise is: does the capitalist system which they are promoting, and which they say the people are accepting, does it solve any of the problems of the working people, either in any part of the world? The decisive question is whether or not a system solves the problems which face the people.

Do you want to perpetuate your own class slavery? Do you want to maintain and strengthen the capitalist government which has shown by its every act that it is nothing but the tool of the capitalist class and acts against the working class every time? Then cast your vote and your lives for the profit of the master class. The Socialist Party is for the abolition of capitalism and the emancipation of the workers from wage-slavery. The working class is still the decisive force in every country. We never abandon the socialist ideals, we are Marxists and we propagate our full views.

Labour is the source of all wealth. In the present society the tools of labour are the monopoly of the capitalists. That the working class is kept dependent on these is the ultimate cause of misery and all forms of oppression. The goal of the Socialist Party is therefore to abolish the existing mode of production (the wage system) and to allow the means of labour the present private capital, to be converted into the common property of society, at the disposition of all members of society, which is the only way of guaranteeing the worker full compensation for his or her work. The fight for the liberation of the working class from its present position, which is beneath a free people, is not a fight for new class privileges and prerogatives but for equal rights and equal obligations for all and for the abolition of class rule. A society based on exploitation is one in which one class, through its ownership of the means of production, is able to live as a parasite class, not producing, but living on the labour of—that is, exploiting—the other class. Socialism aims at giving a meaning to people's life and work; at enabling then freedom, their creativity, and the most positive aspects of their personality to flourish; reconciling people with themselves and with nature.

The capitalist class works overtime to convince workers that socialism has nothing to offer but a gray, bureaucratic world of robotic people. The reality is quite different. We as socialists want to replace the rule of a handful of exploiters, the capitalists, with the rule of the working class, the producers of the wealth of society. We seek to replace the anarchy of capitalist production, with its depressions and unemployment, with a planned socialist economy, based on the needs of working people. We fight for world socialism in which full equality for all will be a reality and not a hypocritical slogan. We stand for the fullest democracy for working people over the few, the handful of parasitic robber barons who rule today. We seek to subvert the domination of the employers over the workers. We are for the overthrow of capital, and the transition to a class-free socialist society. Working people have shown that their revolutionary spirit of rebellion cannot be crushed. The capitalist class, nor its lackeys among the working class, have succeeded in quelling the revolutionary spirit of the working people.

Many on the reformist left claim that higher wages will solve all problems, when the problem is the wages system itself which condemns workers to be wage slaves for capitalism and to continually struggle for a living wage. The principal lesson from these struggles is that, by themselves, they will never solve the problem. Another year from now, and workers will be forced to fight precisely the same struggle again, just to keep close to their present standard of living. It is necessary to take the struggle forwards, to fight not – only for a living wage, but to fight for the complete overthrow of the capitalist system of exploitation, and for the establishment of the working class as the ruling class. There are no solutions within the capitalist system. 

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