

Monday, May 27, 2019

The EU election and the Socialist Party response

The Scottish EU election results are in and makes difficult reading for those on the Left. The Labour Party was fifth with just 9.3% of the votes - down from 26% in 2014 and it means Labour will lose both of its MEPs in Scotland. The SNP has 37.9% of the votes - up from 29% in the last EU election. Brexit Party is currently on 14.7% of the votes in Scotland, with the Liberal Democrats on 13.9% and the Conservatives on 11.7%. (The Western Isles are still to declare but it is unlikely to affect the overall result.)

The Labour Party has always claimed to represent the interest of the worse-off but now finds itself deeply unpopular to the point of facing a crisis. The plain fact of the situation is that the Labour Party is in a fix. It is composed of individuals with a hotch- potch of ideas. Since capitalism came onto the scene political parties have lied and swindled their way into and out of power. The people who have been tricked have always forgotten the lies and the broken promises and have continued to vote for capitalism. So when the Labour Party candidate didn't get in, another fraud did.

The Socialist Party is rich in members who are politically mature and who have worked long and hard to establish and to nurture the socialist movement. Their reward is the satisfaction of working for a world of plenty, freedom and dignity. People work for socialism because it is right. Fellow-workers, we apologise to no one for our existence as a party. We have watched for years the baffled efforts and disappointed hopes of many in our class, acting in ignorance of the cause their problems and misery. It is our mission to make those factors clear, and we invite you to study our literature, come to our meetings, and ask us your questions. 

If you are a non-socialist you should think carefully about why that is. If – as will be the case with very many workers – you have never really thought about why you are not a socialist, never regarded yourself as a supporter of the capitalist system which enslaves you, then now is the time to consider your position. If you are an anti-socialist, then you have some obligation to tell us socialists why we are wrong. If you agree with what we are saying, then now is the time to do something about it: visit your local branch, place a regular order for the Socialist Standard. And if you agree with the Socialist Party, why not join?

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