

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The enemy is capitalism.

Our present society is founded upon the exploitation of the propertyless class by the propertied. This exploitation is such that the propertied (capitalists) but the working force body and soul of the propertyless, for the price of the mere cost of existence (wages) and take for themselves, i.e., steal the amount of new values (products) which exceeds the price, whereby wages are made to represent the necessities instead of the earnings of the wage-labourer. With the accumulation of individual wealth, the greed and power of the propertied grows. They use all the means for competing among themselves for the robbery of the people. With our own eyes we can see the achievements of capitalism: millions of new graves, cities and whole countries turned into cemeteries , refugees in the millions wandering without homes or countries to call their own. Still more millions transferred from the rule of one despotism to the rule of another. Starvation, misery and insecurity throughout the world.

Working people stand before an important decision. They must decide whether they will continue to support the political parties of their enemies and exploiters or whether they will create a socialist party which will carry on the political struggles of the workers against these parties. Are the workers of the United States to continue to use their political power to support the capitalist exploiters? Fellow-workers you must use your political strength Refuse to support the parties of your enemies. Refuse to permit your political power to be wasted in another “progressive” party.

Those ever-obedient lackeys of the master class, our Labour Party leaders, when will the workers realise how they are betrayed by them each time. It is time people took their future and fate into their own hands. They will find that they can do it much better than those whom they call leaders, but who, in reality, are skivvies of the capitalist class. The Labour Party popularises the theory that the capitalist and the worker are brothers; it justifies its own existence as the arbiter of the brothers, when they have spats, as brothers will. The Labour Party is committed to the capitalist system rather than overthrowing the system of industrial slavery. We live in the era of capitalism. Our enemy is capitalism. Just as we cannot abolish the system of monarchy without deposing the person of the monarch. We cannot end the capitalist method of production without expropriating the person of the capitalist. They produce as cheaply as they can, pay as low wages as they can, and sell at a profit. The workers have nothing but their ability to labour. Our masters recognise their international interests. They fight together — against us. They are the global brigands of capitalism endeavouring to crush the labour movement of the world. In one nation after another the movement of the working class is being defeated by the combined forces of capitalist imperialism. For them there is no imaginary boundary line that keeps them separated. They stand united around the world against labour. In order to effectively resist the onslaughts of capitalism we also must act on an international scale. Against exploiters, murderers, parasites, and their flunkeys of all lands we must oppose international action on the part of the working class. Against the combined forces of capitalism we must hurl the forces of worldwide workers.

The Socialist Party strives to replace capitalism by socialism and all its members believe that it is both possible and essential. We understand the great importance for socialists to work for a new social system. we see the need to win the overwhelming majority of the population for the fight against capitalism and for socialism. If you asked me for a short definition of socialism, I would start by saying that socialism is a society where the means of production and distribution were commonly owned and in the hands of the working people. The Socialist Party does not believe that the State is neutral or above classes, and we believe that in order to advance to socialism in Britain it is necessary for the working class majority to take political power out of the hands of he capitalists and to transform the State so that it becomes an instrument of the will of the majority.

This worn-out and corrupt system offers no promise of improvement and adaptation. There is no silver lining to the clouds of darkness and despair. This system offers only a perpetual struggle for slight relief within wage slavery. It is blind to the possibility of establishing an industrial democracy, wherein there shall be no wage slavery. Previous efforts for the betterment of the working class have proven abortive because limited in scope and disconnected in action. Universal economic evils affecting the working class can be eradicated only by a universal working class movement.

Working people, we call upon you to play your part in the establishment of a real live working class party. Rally to the call for complete emancipation of labour. The great task of abolishing the present capitalist system and inaugurating socialism rests with us. The day has come for solidarity. Wherever people have the opportunity and the freedom to act, they have shown their desire for a new type of world. They want a world free of war, free of inequality, free of want. They want a world free of the rule of the few over the many. The aspirations for liberty are so strong and universal. The working class is losing confidence in capitalism and its spokesmen. That is a most encouraging sign.

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