

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The World is Ready for Socialism.

Society is today clearly on the road to the abyss. A new Dark Age confronts mankind at the end of that road if we fail to make the socialist revolution. The Socialist Party optimistically believes that the emancipation of humanity from the age-long thralldom of the class state and class rule will be finally be consummated in our own era. We have reason to believe that, despite temporary setbacks, our age is pre-eminently an age of revolution, and that the social revolutions of our day, unlike those of the past, will end in final victory. Social revolution presents itself as the only saviour of an otherwise doomed social order. The Socialist Party aims at nothing else or less than world unity and universal well-being, to be achieved by internationalism and the world-wide substitution of production for use in place of production for profit. Let us hope it can carry forward the emancipation of humanity from class rule to its final and victorious conclusion. Our mission is the redemption of the workers from the bondage of wage-slavery.

Stated in a sentence, the aim of the Socialist Party is the common ownership of the means of production and distribution, and the consequent economic equality of every human being on earth. The class struggle is the driving force of history. As clear as this statement can be, there are so many people who seem unable to grasp it. They construe socialism to mean all kinds of silly and grotesque things which makes socialism seem ridiculous to so many people and which no socialist dreams of. The trouble is not with socialism, but with what people imagine to be socialism.

The working class is the most revolutionary class in society, the only one capable of fulfilling the task of ending once and for all this oppressive system and of building a socialist society free of all exploitation. Every class-conscious worker is important. Every honest rebel against capitalism is dear to us. The Socialist Party is simply preparing the way for the peaceful and orderly reception of the socialist commonwealth. Socialism is the only possible cure for that social sickness called poverty and its countless festering sores. The cooperation of all for the good of all will inspire the love of all, and for the first time, the human race will be in harmony. The building of the Socialist Party is an important step toward the total emancipation of the working class and ending once and for all the exploitation and oppression of the capitalist system.

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