

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Desperate Dundonians

Folk from Dundee have the highest personal debts in Scotland after turning to credit cards and loans to survive.

The average debt is an astonishing £20,000 and money experts blame a combination of the controversial Universal Credit system plus poor pay packets in the city.

Overall, in Scotland, the national average debt is £17,631. It is predicted the situation will only worsen as the summer holidays kick in with childcare costs, kids looking for fun days out or even just a meal that would have been provided at school.

47% of Scottish people in work run out of money before pay day at least once a year. The YouGov survey found that about 25% of Scots 18 and over find it difficult to cope on their present income, resulting in some needing to use credit to pay ongoing expenses such as shopping or utilities.

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