

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Potential Plenty For All

Have you had enough of this so-called capitalist “prosperity” that keeps you grinding away in a life of wage-slavery? 

Are you fed-up with the left-wing who plead for the opportunity to make this wages system operate better, when you have had enough of wage-slavery itself, and refuse to buy the lies of state ownership as a way out? 

Are you sick and tired of following and cheering this great leader or that great leader, in the belief that leaders of one sort or another can save you from a life of poverty and insecurity? 

Aren't you aware of the tremendous potential of technology and knowledge in these times that can lift all of mankind from a economy that sets worker against worker?
Don't you know that the possibility exists today, for producing so much of the goods and services for all of mankind to live a decent life? 

You have been aware of the brutalities of the system for a long time and perhaps you may even have tried to resist it, or at least contemplated that the System might be beaten, by joining together with others in some sort of co-operative. You yearn for a chance to enjoy what is termed an adequate standard of living, and despite the potential abundance you are still far from acquiring it. 

Well, there is a way out - world socialism. 

Capitalism has created a gigantic system of socialised production that could end poverty, insecurity and warfare forever, given one factor: Capitalism itself must be abolished throughout the world and a system of world socialism established. 

The reason that the potential abundance of modern industry cannot be realized is the profit motive of production. Think of what would happen today if the restraints were removed and the plants of capitalism operated to their full capacity with modern systems of computerization and automation. The markets would be glutted overnight. Why? Because production, under capitalism, must be geared to the possibility of profit, and the glaring contradiction is that, with private and state ownership of the factories and workshops, the vast sea of humanity that works for wages cannot buy back more than a small precentage of what is produced. The capitalist class and state capitalist bureaucrats, on the other hand, cannot begin to use up the huge surpluses, and so production, from time to time, must slow down, and millions of workers must be removed from the chance to make a living other than through some sort of dole or unemployment insurance. 

But that is how things work under capitalism. They could not work that way in a socialist world because production will not be carried on for sale on a market, but simply for use, for the use of all mankind. The problem, of course, is that capitalism vests ownership in the industries in a minority of the population. The vast majority own nothing much more than their abilities to produce, and these they must sell for wages. That is why capitalism must be abolished before a system of world socialism becomes possible. You can help to bring about such a system. But not by supporting parties that advocate anything short of this goal. We urge you to join us in organising for a socialist world.

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