

Monday, December 16, 2019

Capitalism Cannot Deliver

Next year, COP26 takes place in Glasgow. Mary Church, from Friends of the Earth Scotland, said:

“The COP in Glasgow will be the fourth in a row to take place in the global North, putting additional barriers in the way of global South participation. In light of yesterday's election results we anticipate the continuation of the racist 'hostile environment' UK border controls. The UN must put pressure on the new UK government to ensure the voices of those most affected by the climate crisis are not silenced or excluded at COP26. UK oil and gas expansion plans are completely incompatible with any claims of climate leadership. We are well overdue paying our carbon debt. The COP in Glasgow will serve as a rallying cry for all who care about our planet and the fate of peoples all over the world. The eyes of the world will be on us. It is not too late to act."

Yet again another summit has ended in failure. No doubt it is safe to predict Glasgow 2020 Cop 26 will also not succeed in accomplishing its aims. The Socialist Party will be campaigning to communicate with those who have the welfare of planet and its people at the forefront of their concern that capitalism cannot deliver cures for climate change, merely at best some palliative amelioration. The Glasgow and Edinburgh branches of the Socialist Party, along with comrades from other regions, are committed to explain the culpability of the capitalist system for causing the climate crisis and showing the complicity of its political servants in the continuance of this environmental emergency.

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