

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Why capitalism must be abolished

Socialism abolishes the chaos and anarchy of capitalist production and social organisation; it does away with the dog-eat-dog competition of capitalist industry, breeder of industrial crises and war. It sets up instead a planned system of economy in harmony with the global character of modern industry and social relationships. Only under socialism is such a scientific planned economy possible and inevitable. Planned production and distribution is one of the great contributions of socialism to humanity. Socialism by its very nature provides the basis for a steady and enormous expansion of the productive forces. Capitalism robs the toilers of a large share of what they produce. With socialism there is no exploitation. Instead of competition and rivalry; instead of a profit-making apparatus to fatten a few while millions starve, it is building industry for the benefit of the people. Socialism marks the birth of the era of prosperity for the workers. How can they possibly be “exploited” when there is no ruling, owning class, no class to get a rake-off from the worker’s production. Under capitalism everywhere wealth piles up automatically in the hands of the parasitic owners of the industries, while the actual producers live at the bare subsistence line.

The capitalist masters of this World cannot continue to rule and maintain power without plunging the planet into the climate emergency in their quenchless thirst for more profit. To save their investments and protect their share prices they demand that the people sacrifice – and sacrifice some more. They tell us that we will just have to get used to the fact that things are bad and will keep getting worse. At the very heart of this climate crisis is the basic conflict between working people  the millions who have no means to live except through their labour, and whose labour is the driving force in society – and the capitalist class – the handful who do no productive work but live and accumulate billions from the toil of the workers, and continually grind down the workers to accumulate even more. We possess tremendous potential power to change the world and remake society to serve the interests of the great majority.

Society’s great wealth is created by the millions of workers but in the hands of the capitalists, the means of production, continues the enslavement and impoverishment of the working class. Under the capitalist system, production only takes place if those who control production, the capitalists, can make profit from it. And they can make profit only by wringing it out of the workers, and constantly pushing their wages down to the lowest level, allowing the workers only enough to keep working-and to bring up new generations of workers to further enrich capital. Part of the workers’ labour covers the cost of maintaining themselves and their families–their wages–and the rest is unpaid labour that produces surplus value for the capitalists, the source of their profit. This exploitation of the workers to create private profit for the capitalists is the basis of the whole capitalist system and all its evils. Capital chases after the highest rate of profit  this is a fundamental law beyond anyone’s will, even the capitalists’, and it will continue in force so long as society is ruled by capital. Owning and appropriating a part of the total capital of society privately, each capitalist must try to enlarge his share at the expense of the other capitalists. Capitalists therefore repeatedly introduce new machines and technology to try to produce goods faster and more cheaply, in order to grab more of the market from their competitors. Capitalists battle each other for profit, and those who lose out go under, even huge corporations. Capitalists constantly pull their capital out of one area of investment and into another, along with bringing in new machines to speed up production. Some capitalists temporarily surge ahead and expand while others fall behind or are forced out of business altogether. With each of these developments, workers are thrown into the streets and forced once again to search for a new master to exploit them. All this is why, from its beginning, capitalism has gone from crisis to crisis. And the way the capitalists get out of these crises only lays the basis for worse ones–they destroy goods and even the means to produce goods, scramble to grab up more markets, and a bigger chunk of the existing ones, and increase their exploitation of the workers. The strongest capitalists survive, and in surviving concentrate more of the means of production in their hands. Society more and more divides into two antagonistic camps–at one pole tremendous wealth and greater concentration of ownership in fewer and fewer hands; at the other pole tremendous misery for the millions who can live only by working for the owners and can work only so long as they produce profit for them. so long as capitalism is not overthrown, it finds some way out of the crisis, through a series of such crises. Crisis and war, devastation and destruction, temporary and partial recovery and then worse crisis and war-this is what capitalism means. It is impossible to “reform” capitalism. It is time to overthrow the capitalist system and build a completely new kind of society. It is time to break the chains enslaving the producers and shackling production itself.

To end exploitation of man by man, to end the present system which compels the many to work to produce wealth for a few is the goal of the Socialist Party. Its aim is to end the pillaging and plundering of all natural resources by the system of capitalism. The Socialist Party works towards to end the rule of the capitalist class and abolish the class struggle by ending capitalism. It will continue to oppose capitalism and to guarantee the rapid liberation of all mankind from the tyranny and aggression by replacing capitalism by which the millions of the majority are compelled to sell their only commodity, labour power, for the profit of a small minority. The material resource for a socialist society exists, we have all the technical productive forces to develop the classless society: “From each according to ability; to each according to needs.

The capitalist class is no longer fit to run society. Capitalism is the main obstacle preventing progress towards a new society in which there will be a good living standard and a rich political and cultural life for all working people and their families; the basic problem of present-day society can only be solved by a social revolution. The capitalist system is a parasite on society and is maintained entirely by the toil of working people. This can only happen because capitalists possess ownership of the means of production, and their control is backed up by the coercive power of the State.

Capitalism has imposed great suffering upon working people, but its development of the forces of production was at one time in history progressive. Reformists have claimed that it is possible to do away with the “bad side” of capitalism and preserve its “good side”, but this has always been impossible. The working class sells its labour power to the capitalist class in order to survive and its surplus labour provides the capitalists with their profits and with the other costs of production, including those of administration.

 The motive force of the capitalist system, independent of any wish of individual capitalists, is the drive for profit, which can only be obtained by the exploitation of the working class. The very best that the working class can win under the capitalist order – and then only by unceasing struggles – is to be expected on slightly better terms, and even this becomes less and less possible during periods of austerity. Working class struggles at the moment are scattered and sporadic. The capitalist class is the main force holding up progress towards a new society. They stand in opposition to the interests of the vast majority of people. Workers have nothing to gain from the present system who would lead a fuller life with socialism. Socialism will fulfil people’s rising expectations and needs. Unemployment, poverty, and hunger will become things of the past forever. The abolition of classes is the goal of the Socialist Party.

Wherever the people have had the opportunity or the freedom to act, they have shown their desire for a new world. They want a world free of war, free of inequality, free of want. They want a world free from the rule of the few over the many. Our own freedom, depend on the freedom of other peoples. We cannot allow them to be enslaved without becoming slaves ourselves. It is the task of our fellow-workers not only in this country but throughout the world, in reorganising society on a rational basis, so that there is abundance, peace, security and freedom for all. To this task, working people bring a strength and a vigour unsurpassed anywhere. To accomplish this task, it is only necessary to understand what our task is and to realise our invincible strength. Then no power on earth can withstand us. Society has a capacity to produce beyond the wildest dreams of most people. This capacity was used primarily to produce profits and destruction. What stands in the way of the fullest enjoyment of the fruits of our labour? Only the insatiable lust for profit. Only the anarchy and planlessness of capitalist production. In the midst of unparalleled opportunities to achieve plenty for all, millions are in poverty and going without.

Workers don’t need a crystal ball to see their future. The capitalists in their never-ending grasp for higher profits, are willing to make misery for a majority of working people. That’s what the future holds for humankind under capitalism. In contrast, the working class, if it were united, could turn this planet into a storehouse of plenty for all. The problem is that people accept capitalism and its logic and therefore see no alternative to the current mis-leaders who defend that system at all costs. The answer to poverty is not a welfare state but a new society which will have real solutions for all, using all the resources of society for the benefit of all, it would ensure an advancing standard of living for everybody - a socialist revolution.

Racism, nationalism and sexism divide and weaken and sap the working class of its consciousness as to who the real enemy is. Those and other divisions are growing because populists purposely teach the working class not to identify with their class as a whole.

Faith that capitalism can be reformed is prevalent. Marxists, in contrast, have long understood that the crisis of capitalism precludes permanent economic prosperity. The reformists display little sense of the realities of capitalism; many believe that the growth of the welfare state will turn into a mixed or socialistic state as time goes on. They push illusions in what capitalism can offer. Thus reformism today means acceptance of austerity, cloaked in the illusions of a promise prosperity.

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