

Sunday, December 08, 2019

Do Wishy-Washy Reforms Make A Difference?

There has been so much stink caused by Doug Ford's policies that he has been forced to back down on some. 

He has given up trying to reform Ontario's regional government system. 
He has backed off from changes to the way families with autistic children are funded. 
He has dropped plans to take over the Toronto subway system. 
He has come up with a sex education plan for Ontario's schools which is similar to the Liberal one that he trashed. 
He has reversed some cuts to social services. 
He said he is willing to compromise on plans to increase class sizes in schools. 
He wants to fund a French language university in Ontario, an idea he once dismissed. 
He changed his mind on vaping. Ford had opposed former Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne's proposal to regulate the display and promotion of e-cigarettes. He now favours it.

 All of the above are, of course, just wishy-washy reforms, but if the will of the people can make a difference that way, could it not also make a difference in changing society fundamentally to serve workers’ interests? Sure could!

for Socialism – SPC

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