

Monday, December 09, 2019

The Socialist Party and the world socialist society

Across the world people are getting more and more squeezed, which means their daily life is harder. Fewer and fewer social services are available to them from the government and a corrupt, unaccountable elite  is enriching itself while the lives of most people become more and more difficult. Many countries are expressing unrest and discontent with protests and demonstrations. The immediate causes may vary but they are connected, capitalism’s inability to answer the social and the economic needs of the people themselves, the failure of the policies which benefit the elite and the wealthy but leave the masses behind struggling for survival. There is also a connection between that and the rise of the populist right where many  people have turned to nationalism and xenophobia.
The future of humanity depends upon the abolition Of capitalism and the establishment of a class-free society; it depends upon the abolition of exploitation and production for profits, and its replacement by a socialist society. World capitalism makes unbearable, the life of the people.We cannot and will not long endure the life of poverty, exploitation, unemployment and death. It becomes increasingly impossible to make out a case for capitalism, or to point to possibilities of any adequate improvement in the immediate or future situation for the people. What a mockery are the “benefits” of capitalist society to the working class.

The Socialist Party champions the world socialist society, a society of peace, prosperity and security, the only party capable of fulfilling the interests of the working class. Only the existence, extension, and strengthening of a revolutionary socialist party, rooted in the mass organisation of the workers, can assure the progressive advance of the mass labour movement. Socialists must tell the truth. It is therefore our business to explain the futility of reformism. It is the duty of Socialist Party to advance Marxist principles as the only answer to the needs of the workers. No one is going to popularise socialism except socialists. We must use every possible occasion to promote socialism and to explain its advantages over capitalism. We stand with the workers. There is no other realistic course. 

The conflict between capital and labour; between the capitalist class and the working class, which arises as a result of the irreconcilability of interests of the two classes resulting from the contradiction, economic in nature, between socialised production and capitalist appropriation of the products of industry; i.e., the wealth f society is produced by the joint effort of workers, by society as a whole, but the wealth produced is not owned by those who produce it but remains the private property of a relative handful of the population, the capitalist class. In modern society the interests of classes are represented by political parties. Regardless of minor differences, bourgeois political parties always and everywhere represent and serve the interests of the capitalist class and certainly they cannot represent the interests of the working class. There are only two basic classes: The working class and the capitalist class or as Marx defined them, bourgeoisie and proletariat. Outside of socialism there is no deliverance of humanity from wars, from hunger, from the destruction of millions and millions of human beings. The potential is clearly growing for a revolutionary socialist movement within the working class that can build the basis for overthrowing the capitalist system itself.

The object of a Socialist Party is socialism. To that end the education and organisation of the proletariat and their conversion to socialist principles is essential. We cannot have socialism without socialists. Therefore, the first duty of a Socialist Party is propaganda, in order to make socialists. In doing this a Socialist Party should also champion every movement of the working class towards improving its condition – even in present circumstances – or in defence of its interests; so that the Socialist Party may come to be constituted as the head and centre and rallying point of the whole working-class movement. It is of importance however, that a socialist should be elected and a seat won for socialism. From this standpoint, therefore, it is better for a socialist to fight and be beaten as a socialist than to fight and win under any other flag. Social changes are preceded by agitation. So long as the present system of capitalism prevails and the few are allowed to own the nation’s industries, the toiling masses will be struggling in the hell of poverty as they are today. The Socialist Party is the party of the exploited workers. Private ownership and competition have had their day. The Socialist Party stands for common ownership and co-operation. 

The most promising fact in the world today is the fact that labour is organising its power; its economic power and its political power. The workers who have made the world and who support the world, are preparing to take possession of the world. This is the meaning of socialism and is what the Socialist Party stands for in this campaign. We demand the machinery of production in the name of the workers and the control of society in the name of the people. We demand the abolition of capitalism and wage-slavery and the surrender of the capitalist class. We demand that all children born into the world shall have equal opportunity to grow up, to be educated, to have healthy bodies and trained minds, and to develop and freely express the best there is in them in mental and physical achievement. We demand complete control of industry by the workers; we demand all the wealth they produce for society, and we demand the Earth for all the people.

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