

Saturday, January 25, 2020

A Momentous Year--Momentously Bad.

2019 was a momentous year - momentously bad; not that we can expect much under capitalism. 

Climate disaster continued unabated with uncontrolled fires, particularly Australia, droughts and floods. There was an increase in racist incidents which included the rise, again, of anti-Semitism, and in China the genocide the government carried out against the Uyghur Muslim minority. We saw Brexit, need I comment? and Trump, need I comment? We saw the gradual erosion of the power of unions; three million children starved to death; the biggest strike ever in India, of about 200 million. Also riots there protesting discrimination against Muslims. Riots in Hong Kong against totalitarianism. Continuing wars in Afghanistan and Syria and the Boeing crashes.

 As bad as all this is, there were still some positive events. The capitalist class in North America didn't do so badly. At the time of writing the all the major U.S. indexes have hit record highs. Nasdaq is leading the way with a yearly gain of 32.8 per cent. The S&P 500 is ahead 27.3 per cent. The Dow is up 21 per cent. Here in Canada the S&P/TSX Composite is up 21 per cent. 

So a minority is doing well. 

Let’s have done with that and work for a society where all will do well.

for socialism 
SPC Members

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