

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Dumping Pollution. A Capitalist Cock Up

On December 20, Nova Scotia Premier, Stephen McNeil, said that on January 31 the Northern Pulp Mill near Pictou Landing First Nation would have to shut down. This was in response to the company dumping pollution in the lagoons near Pictou Landing since 1967. 

The company had been warned for five years to clean up their act, but to no avail. The First Nations are delighted; Chief Andrea Paul said, ''I am grateful he has put an end to the pollution and provided an opportunity for us to heal.'' 

This is just another crazy, complex, capitalist cock-up in which, inevitably, someone has to lose and they are the 300 mill workers and the 2,400 forestry workers who will lose their jobs.

for socialism 
SPC Members.

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