

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Reforms Retain Capitalism. Lets Have Done With Capitalism.

Michael Coteau, the member of the Ontario Provincial Parliament for Don Valley East, is advocating making public transit free to ride. His argument is that it would reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, he said, many who drive their cars to work do so because of the high cost of transit fares, such as $3.25 in Toronto. 

Mr. Coteau isn't the first to propose this in Canada. Prior to the October election the NDP said they would institute it if elected. Last year Toronto mayoral candidate, Saron Gebrellassi, said she would campaign for it. 

If free transit fares were legislated, it's probable the capitalist class would use it as an excuse to keep wages down.

 It would however, be just another reform, like free education and free health care and many years of experience have clearly shown that reforms just don't cut it, because they leave the fundamentals of capitalism intact and from these flow all the social evils the upholders of capitalism are so unsuccessfully grappling with. 

So let’s have done with reforms and lets have done with capitalism too.

for socialism 
SPC Members.

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