

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Understanding?

City governments in the Greater Toronto Area have been hard hit by the shutdown owing to the COVID-19 outbreak. Toronto is expected to see a loss of $65 million a week which will require a bailout from the provincial and federal governments. Losses in the hundreds of millions will be impossible for the city to recover because it cannot legally go into debt to pay for operating expenses. 

Whether it will get bailed out remains to be seen. The Mississauga and Oakville governments will lay off 2,800 part time workers through April and early May. In a press release on April 3, Mississauga officials said all non-essential city facilities and programs were being closed indefinitely. Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie said, ''I understand the stress this will have on our employees.'' - No Kidding!
S.P.C. Members.

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