

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Capitalism - A Crime Against Humanity

Wherever there is a class society, wherein one class exploits other classes, there you have racism and xenophobia. So long as capitalism rules, the ruling minority will always seek, by terror and by prejudice, by legal and by extralegal means, to divide the exploited, to set one group of slaves against the others, to keep alive and nurture the vilest conspiracies and the meanest superstitions. Such beliefs will disappear not from being exposed and shamed, not from liberal indignation, but from a more potent medicine – prosperity. When there is almost enough to go around for everybody, when all are eating, being housed, and have jobs, prejudice and bigotry cannot thrive. This, is why the Socialist Party hold that in a socialist society that will provide an abundance for all, such irrational behaviour, will cease.

The rich and wealthy are not going to help you. Working people make a mistake in choosing their friends. The ones who will help you people to any lasting benefit are not the rich, they are the poor every time. They may not be able to give you big donations, but after all, the cause of the poor is a common cause the world over, and when your case is won it will be by uniting your cause with the cause of the mankind all over the world: you cannot do it any other way.

The rich have been using working people, setting one section against another, dividing the union movement. You ought to go and help fight the common battle of the poor against the strong. The worker, the dispossessed, the displaced, all seek a way out. But the future seems black to many. The government that protects the wealthy in their robbery, snarl at the workers when we demand decent wages and conditions. But people are now increasingly weary of being treated like animals and not like human beings. The security that capitalism promised was just a dream and now we have to face reality. Working people have to try to fix a better future for our children and their children’s children. We have a lot to fight for.

There are a hundred signs to show that the capitalist system is headed for an economic crisis. Not all the capitalists understand this. Indeed, few of them do. It is a fact that the capitalists and their front men – the editors and economists – do not understand their own system. Are these people trying to fool themselves, or are they trying to fool us. Cannot they see what is occurring: The unprecedented mountainous swollen profits of the rich (and the other half of the picture, the low wages of working people) The servants of capitalism see not any clearer than their masters. Out of capitalism grows depression and war, mass misery and death. So long as the people permit capitalism to endure, new depressions and wars are inescapable. The mad dance of the profiteers continues. The capitalists may fool themselves. Do not let them fool us.

What do you think of a social system whose rulers deliberately cheapen and worsen their goods so that they will wear out, all to the end that the profits may be larger? Automobiles that will only last a few years, houses that begin to subside with settlement before their occupants hardly get in the door, shoddy clothes and shoes that come apart, adulterated foods and drinks. The list of capitalist crimes against its consumers are endless. A socialist society would have no such incentive for cheating the people. On the contrary, it would have every reason to make everything of top quality, with an abundance for everyone.

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