

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Toward A New Society

The Socialist Party, part of the World Socialist Movement, appeals to you to join it to engage in the fight for working-class emancipation and socialist freedom. We have the right to call upon you to enter our Party, for we have never flinched from the struggle against capitalism and never forsaken the principles of socialism. There is a comradely place for you in the Socialist Party. We present ourselves as a friend and a comrade to the exploited and oppressed peoples all over the world. We wants no slaves anywhere. We have no other interests save those of the working class itself. We seek nothing more than to be part and parcel of tomorrow’s political movement to build world socialism. We are convinced that the working class will soon start to take mighty strides along the road of independent political action in its own name and under its own flag. The very idea of the workers breaking away from the capitalist parties and forming their own class party is so revolutionary that it terrifies the owning class.

The plundering and enslavement of working people is open and shameless. To all those who refuse to resign themselves in helplessness and hopelessness to the barbarism of capitalism, to capitalist tyranny, to the horrors of the capitalist system, to all those who have confidence in the working-class and the future of mankind - the Socialist Party is your organisation and we extend the welcoming hand of comradeship. Peace, security and freedom are yours to take. We prepare ourselves now for the coming years with the conviction that the working class will fight against the conditions of its existence, that it will win its way to the principles of our party because we will win our way to its heart and mind by our participation in the fight, until we achieve our ultimate vindication in the triumph of socialist freedom.

The world today is in a sorry mess. This is the condition society will inevitably take so long as capitalism exists. These social evils are not bred in the heart of man; they are bred by capitalism, and by nothing else. Capitalism always seeks to intensify exploitation. As democratic socialists, we reject completely as incompatible with our principles and our aims any and all regimes, even if they proclaim themselves as “socialist” that are in actuality totalitarian and state-capitalist. The Socialist Party alone told the truth. Our party stands vindicated by world events. The capitalist system came into being only after a number of revolutions and half-revolutions. The period of its birth lasted for decades, The change from the feudal system to capitalism was not as drastic as will be the change from capitalism to socialism, for the latter implies not the change of one system of exploitation for another, but the elimination of all exploitation and class rule.

But just suppose you do not join in the fight for socialism. Suppose you do not organise and work for its victory. Will the society we live in remain just as it is, will it move forward, or will it slip backward? This question is of vital concern to everyone. It is most important to understand what will happen to capitalist society if it is not replaced by socialism. Capitalism drives society to a new barbarism. From the builder and producer, it has become the great destroyer. From the bearer of civilization and culture, it has become the relentless devastation of civilisation. It has become the seed-bed of regimentation, and totalitarianism rather than the bearer of democracy. From the liberator of the feudal serfs, capitalism has created of tens of millions of modern wage-slaves.  Upon socialism, depends the happy future of humanity and of civilisation. Working people are called upon to save the world from barbarism, the only alternative to socialism. That is the road to human freedom.

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