

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Killing Sea Lions. Profits Legal and illegal.

Dozens of headless sea lions are washed up on the coast of British Columbia every year, about 80 of them, so far, in 2020. Fishermen say its because some people are taking advantage of the growing market for sea lion skulls, for which their is no legal supply as the Canadian government have banned hunting for sea lions. 

Furthermore a male sea lion with all its parts intact goes for about $4,000 in the underground market and a pelt would fetch $500. A set of whiskers which could be used in native ceremonies would go for $700 and oil from sea lion blubber, rich in omega-3 fatty acids is worth $100 a gallon to the pharmaceutical industry. One native Canadian said he has recently received 120 emails from taxidermy enthusiasts interested in buying sea lion skulls.

 Some seal and sea lion meat could be sold for human consumption or to the pet food industry. The fact is they are being killed for a profit and whether a profit is made legally or not it is still a fundamental of capitalism, which can only be abolished by abolishing the cause.

S.P.C. Members.

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