

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Capitalism Is The Oppressing Foe, Not Fellow Workers!

An article in the Toronto Star of July 11 focused on the abuse many Canadian's of Chinese decent had been subjected to since the COVID began. The Star said 8 per cent of their respondents had been physically attacked by strangers. Another poll conducted by the University of Alberta, said 29 per cent of their respondents had. One may add to this those who have been verbally attacked, which according to the latter poll was 43 per cent. 

All this because they happen to be of Chinese decent. It is disgusting that at a time where their should be some working class solidarity, workers turn on innocent members of their own class. Shades of Nazi Germany. 

Workers of the World “Wake-Up” – Capitalism is the oppressing foe, not fellow workers!

S.P.C. Members.

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