

Thursday, August 06, 2020

We Demand the Earth for All

The capitalist system continues to produce miseries for many and prosperity for the few

Wage-labour is wage-slavery. Socialism is the release from servitude to employers. When the production of all the material necessities of life and means of culture will be taken over by automation and robotics, requiring the minimum of superintendence, humanity will be freed to develop its distinctively human capacities and relations to the full on a truly human basis. Wealth of all kinds will flow as freely as water and is as abundant as air and compulsory labour is supplanted by free time. Free-time enjoyed by all will be the measure of wealth, the guarantee of equality and harmony. This is the goal of socialism, the promise of communism.

There has never been a free people, a civilised nation, a real republic on this earth. Human society has always consisted of masters and slaves. We all need to unite – rather than thinking as a country, we need to think planetary. The world would be better for billions of dispossessed people if we did. Socialism is not government ownership or control of industry. Socialism struggles for the dismantling of the State, not the enlargement of its functions. Socialism, in the words of Engels, is not the government of persons, but the administration of things. Socialism adopts a policy of unrelenting antagonism toward nationalism. State capitalism is not an abandonment of capitalism: it is a variation of capitalism. Socialism rejects the state ownership as a phase of socialism. State capitalism is not socialism and never can become socialism. 

Under chattel-slavery the slave was bought and sold and became the property of the buyer. Men, women, and children were sold by auction like cattle. Traders in search for wealth did not hesitate in capturing people from Africa to be sold like cattle to plantation owners in the Americas. This odious traffic in human beings was of course a most profitable one. Consideration and compassion for the unfortunate slaves was of no importance. Father, mother and children were offered for sale individually and sold to different slave masters. Husband and wife, parents and children were offered for sale individually and sold to different slave masters. Separated, husband and wife, parents and children would never see each other again. That is how the “civilised” gentlemen who hailed from “Christian” Europe treated the “backward” peoples.

Under the system of wage-slavery, the LABOUR POWER of the individual worker is bought, a wage is paid to the worker by the employer, and the employer only takes an interest in the welfare of his workers in so far as it helps him to make profits out of them. This is THE NEW FORM OF SLAVERY and its menace in reality is to a great measure by far more serious and abominable than this slavery abolished. Under chattel-slavery the slave was oppressed by the slave master and slave rebellions took place time and again led by the instinctive urge for freedom. The wage-slave workers of today are exploited by the capitalist employers. As under the system of wage-slavery, so under capitalist slavery, workers are constantly struggling for better conditions and for the ABOLISHMENT OF CAPITALIST SLAVERY. The struggles of the industrial workers takes on more and more a bitterly conscious fight for the OVERTHROW of this FINAL slave system and for the establishment of a society controlled by all toilers. This shows that the fight for freedom, economic, and political is yet to be continued.  THE SOCIALIST PARTY’S AIM IS THE BUILDING OF SOCIALISM — OF A CLASS-FREE SOCIETY. Our goal is the emancipation of humanity from all forms of slavery and oppression and FREEDOM FROM CAPITALIST EXPLOITATION. The capitalist class freed the chattel-slaves in order to transform them into wage-slaves; the WAGE-SLAVES WILL FREE THEMSELVES, IN ORDER TO FREE HUMANITY.

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