

Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Capitalist Class Will Do Nothing Decisive About I

  In late July and early August the 4,000 year old Milne Ice Shelf, north of Canada's Ellesmere Island, broke up, with 43 per cent of it sinking into the Arctic Ocean. An ice shelf is a massive expanse of ice that is tens of meters thick. While it is buoyed by ocean waters, it is fixed to the shore creating landscapes that are unique to the polar regions. The shelf broke apart due to melting ice, caused by hotter air and warmer water. This was an event scientists predicted would happen in 2022. 

This follows a worldwide trend of global warming meaning its happening faster than predicted. 

The capitalist class will do nothing decisive about it, because their primary consideration is making profits and to heck with the environment.

S.P.C. Members.

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