

Thursday, November 05, 2020

A Certain Financial Future! Is There Such A Thing?


The Toronto Star of Oct. 15 wasn't exactly a barrel of laughs. 

The headline on the front page was: ''Rocky road to recovery - Toronto faces a projected shortfall of $1.5 billion in 2021 because of the pandemic.'' 

The article focuses on a report that outlines an uncertain financial future - is there such a thing as a certain financial future under the wages system? 

From then on the Star starts getting gloomy, with captions like, ''WestJet axes 100 staff'''; ''The switch from CERB to Employment Insurance not smooth for everyone,'' and ''Tim Hortons sales down 12.5% from year ago.'' 

Wow!, it made me think capitalism ain’t all that peachy-dandy in Canada right now. 

Nor is that great elsewhere, especially when I read in another section that some hospitals in the U.S. are nearly bankrupt. Nor can it be argued that capitalism isn't all that bad and the above problems have been exacerbated by the pandemic. 

Things were pretty bad before it struck and it’s something capitalism, by its very nature can't cope with. Trudeau is doing his best, but can only work within capitalism's perimeters where everything boils down to profit.

S.P.C. Members.

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