

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Pot Calls The Kettle Black.

On Oct16, Beverly Romeo-Beehler, the City of Toronto's auditor-general wasn't no female romeo as she went-to-town, no pun intended, on city workers who've been conning the city something rotten or something good, however you wanna look at it. 

Three city workers and two spouses had charged the city a total of $38,000 for health claims not covered by the city's health plan and had gotten away with it. 

These included going to a spa, pain killers fentanyl and oxycondone and massive amount of drugs to overcome erectile dysfunction, which Big Bad Bev did not find amusing. She frothed on about how bad it was and what crooks these people are and how the matter has been handed over to the police, like, ''Naughty Naughty.'' 

So the capitalist class rob from the working class the wealth they produce, but when slaves take some of it back – ''Wow! ain't you a bad dude!'' 

This is typical capitalist bullshit, but then by bullshitting the working class they maintain sucker-rule-over-you bewildered wage slave.

S.P.C. Members.

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