

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

End the rule of capitalist parasites


The masters of finance and captains of industry control the destiny of the working class which it keeps in subjugation. The capitalist stock market itself is full of chicanery, fraud, inside trading, and wholesale looting by the vulture corporations that plunder and pillage the weak capitalist in the most shameless manner. The stock exchanges are simply dens of gambling where financiers and industrialist speculate in shares and bonds with the ethics of a burglar. The capitalist system breeds corruption and spawns a brood of thieves in high places and so as to be interfered with by the laws of the land, the capitalists must control the powers of government, and this they can only do, being numerically an insignificant minority, by deceiving the voters. They don’t steal, they “privatise”, legalising their theft. The political parties are all alike in the  promotion of this vicious and dishonest system. There is little to be gained by regulation and legislation in limiting such evils which inflict capitalist society. As long as the source of these ills remain, even if temporarily curbed, they must again re-surface express themselves and with even increased malignancy.


It is capitalism, that system of society which is based upon wage-slavery, which has divided the people and which provides protection to the polluting poisons of the parasite ruling class.Capitalism can never offer peace prosperity or security. Who works for wages are in bondage. The truth of the so-called “radicals” is that they really want us to believe that through protest and pressure the capitalist system can somehow be made to work in our interest. However, the cause of poverty, unemployment, hunger and war are built into the capitalist. The capitalist can’t change their priority of pursuing profit and the accumulation of capital or they’d go out of business and be swallowed up by their commercial rivals. Instead of exposing this criminal war between bands of thieves over their robbery of people all over the world, reformers try to pretty up the situation with some cure-all palliatives. The Socialist Party’s point of view and we don’t care what it takes, is not in wasting our time trying to find a way to fix up the system. We’re saying that instead of the endless cycle of economic crises and wars that the capitalist system causes we just won’t take it any longerRather than trying to fool people with all sorts of false hopes, of gesture politics we have to build our understanding, our organised strength and our unity to take the ruling class on in the course of the class war. The real cause lies deep within the system of capitalism itself.


 Imagine a junkie, body emaciated and wasting away, frantically shooting up with heroin to get a temporary high. Each shot of heroin only increases the addiction, only delays the inevitable come-down. This is capitalism. This is our economy, constantly shooting itself up with massive investment destined for the unavoidable crash of a recession


Capitalism is parasitic, living off people. Under capitalism, mankind produces for profit. It is profit, capital, that counts, and not the person. We’re responsible men and women, and we’re not interested in destroying for destruction’s sake but solely interested in destroying the old system in order to build anew, ending all manifestations of the evils of capitalism. 


All the wavering and hesitation, the constant reliance on the capitalists and their government by the reformists and gradualists have held back the social revolution and betrayed the working class. Workers are, nevertheless, still determined, willing and ready to fight against their oppression. It is the task of working people to build a militant union of all workers. The working class must reject the mad schemes of the capitalist ruling class to police and exploit the world for private profit. Workers are up against a capitalist class that has a stranglehold of  economic life, monopolises the political scene through its two-party system, has a subservient government at its command and stands generally united in using its power to fight the workers’ movement. Government and capitalist politicians always line up with the employers against and that this applies to all politicians of the capitalist class whether liberal or conservative. To combat the employing class, the workers need to take united action, predicated on the effective principle that an injury to one is an injury to all. They must fight all those who are hopelessly wedded to collaboration with the owning class. What the exact strategy will be remains subject to grass-roots decisions, reached democratically but it needs to involve a complete break with capitalist politics .


Fight the workers must and fight they will but they will have to learn the need to launch an anti-capitalist political offensive with their own independent anti-capitalist party. Only when that is done can the world be run in the interests of those striving for human advancement, with freedom at last from the oppressive rule of capitalist parasites who feed on human misery.

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