

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

The Ugly Obvious.

In June Prime Minister Trudeau promised funding in a one time, tax free payout of up to $600 for people holding a Disability Tax Credit Certificate. He also acknowledged, ''significant challenges,'' faced by people with disabilities during the pandemic. 

So far, October 14, no one has seen any of this money. 

Maureen Haan, president of the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work, said: ''People with disabilities in Canada already live life at the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to social supports, but the pandemic has made that evident.'' When Canadian Emergency Response Benefit came, eligible Canadians could apply for up to $2,000 a month, if their jobs were affected by the pandemic. However, folks with disabilities on supportive income, prior to the plague got $1,000 a month on average. 

So it’s pretty obvious, or should I say ugly obvious(?), that the less you can produce for the swindling class, the less they'll do for you when your hard up.

S.P.C. Members.

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