

Monday, November 02, 2020

Hitler as A God Figure? How Nutty Can You Get?

 Police suspect that the murder of Mohamed-Aslim Zafis, who was stabbed to death, while volunteering at his Mosque in Toronto, was committed by a member of the Nazi-Satanic cult the Order of the Nine Angles, (09A).

 This lovely bunch include elements of Satanism, occultism and Nazism in their so called ideology. Hitler is a god figure to them because of his interest of the occult and his murder of 6 million Jews. 

They believe Hitler was trying to establish their Satanic Empire with his atrocities. They use the year he was born as the start of their calendar. These intellectual giants think it necessary to slaughter people to advance their beliefs. While their number, world-wide may be low, the Nazi's started out with a few members.

 Capitalism is a divisive system and this type of nonsense is as far out as divisiveness goes.

S.P.C. Members

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