

Monday, November 02, 2020

Strike together and vote together


Socialist Party members are no wiser than you, but they have have studied the capitalist system more on just how it fleeces most of you. The Socialist Party inherits the collective wisdom of generations of socialists since its foundation, sufficient enough to place what we consider true facts before you, our fellow-workers. We do not preach that you follow us, but merely ask you to listen to what we have to say so that you will not be defeated by the betrayal of the henchmen of capital, masquerading as friends of the working people only to further entrench the power of the bosses and perpetuate their reign of robbery.


 They are in the capitalist class; you are in the working class. They are millionaires; you are paupers. They have everything; you do everything yet have nothing. They live in mansions on large estates; you in boxes with stamp-size gardens if you are lucky. They have mountains of money; you have heaps of saved-up pennies. The capitalist class are the masters; you their wage-slaves. These are the grim realities of the capitalist system. That is the basis of the class struggle. It is the question of the working class organising to overthrow the capitalist class, emancipating itself from wage-slavery. Can this be done? Anything can be done by working people.We only need to awaken to our power.


Individually you are helpless and your condition hopeless. As a class, you are a great force. As a class, you can break the chains that shackle us all. We must recognise the power of class unity and do all we can to bring it about. That is what is called class-consciousness. The class-conscious workers recognises the necessity of organisation, economic and political, and using every weapon at our command — the strike, the boycott, the ballot, and every other — to achieve our emancipation. We, therefore, join the union of our class and support the party of our class and give our time and energy to the work of educating our class for the struggle of our class. You cannot afford to remain in ignorance of the class struggle, or of what socialism really means. Revolutionary education and organisation is the vital need of the working class. Don’t take only our word: rely on yourself. You can only help yourselves. No one else can. If you don’t even know that you are slaves in the existing capitalist system, shame on you for your blindness and there is no hope for you but a miserable death. Class-consciousness is better than the unconsciousness of a corpse. He or she dies as a Judas Iscariot, a scab at heart in economic ignorance to the wages system, that is, the cause of your poverty and degradation. You have got to get rid of the capitalist leeches that suck your life blood. Future generations will wonder that such servility was ever possible, the shameful spectacle of rallying round the robbers of the working class, and defending them against your own people.


 Instead, join in solidarity with ourselves in the struggle for freedom so that we finally succeed in overthrowing the parasitic capitalist leeches and share with Marx and the other great revolutionaries, the vision of socialism before capitalism destroys us and our planet. The Socialist Party is built on correct ideas and is therefore indestructible. The workers movement failed because it threw away its correct ideas.


The Socialist Party would rather win the emancipation of the working class through peaceful means. We see participation in the electoral process as a vital essential tactic for building the struggle of the working class. The armed seizure of power by the means of insurrection and civil war can only lead to defeat and demoralisation. While the ruling class retains control over military forces possessing an extensive arsenal of weapons and can call upon them to shoot down their own people, our only success can be in the battle of ideas, winning over the armed forces to our side of the class war. The capitalists have exercised their dictatorship over the working class for hundreds of years by their control of the State.


The Socialist Party will use the vote as our weapon to capture the machinery of the State to ensure we can carry out the task of political and economic emancipation.

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