

Saturday, December 05, 2020

A New Vision for Working People

 “In proportion as capital accumulates, the lot of the labourer, BE HIS PAYMENT HIGH OR LOW, must grow worse.” - Marx

There has never been a free people on this earth. Human society always consisted of masters and slaves, and the slaves have always been and are today, the foundation stones. Society has always been and is now built upon exploitation — the exploitation of a class, the working class — whether slaves, serfs, or wage workers; and the exploited working class have always been, instinctively or consciously, in revolt against their oppressors. The call of the Socialist Party is to the exploited class, the workers in all useful trades and professions, all honest occupations, from the most menial service to the highest skill, to rally beneath their own standard and put an end to the last of the barbaric class struggles by conquering the capitalist government, taking possession of the means of production, and making them common property of all and establishing the cooperative commonwealth.

Wage-slavery is a fact. This is the plain meaning of what is known as the labour market - the selling and buying of labour-power. They who buy and they who sell in the labour market are alike dehumanised by the human trafficking. The Socialist Party is united upon one issue: Abolishing wage-slavery.

The platform of the Socialist Party may be stated simply — economic justice. We demand this in the name of humanity that it may come through peaceful channels. We are and ever will be foes of violence. Our remedy lies in the ballot box. The Socialist Party proposes that society in its collective capacity shall produce, not for profit, but in abundance to satisfy all human needs; that every man and every woman shall be economically free.

We are not going to destroy private property. We are going to so establish common ownership that every person can have a share in and possess what is necessary to house and keep them in comfort and satisfy all physical wants. we are not going to destroy the home, but we are going to make a home possible for all. 90% of the people have little or no property of any kind today. A few have got it all. They have dispossessed the people, and we will dispossess them.

The Socialist Party stands for all the people. Nature’s storehouse is full. Nature has spread a great table bountiful for all. There is room for all and there is a plate and a place and food for all, and any system of society that denies a single one the right and the opportunity to freely help himself to Nature’s bounties is an iniquitous system that ought to be abolished in the interest of humanity and a civilisation worthy of the name. All of the resources and raw materials are here in abundance. We have the most marvellous technology the world has ever known. Why should any man, woman or child lack food, healthcare or shelter? Such a condition as this is indefensible in this century. Is the condition fair today, and satisfactory to any thinking person? As long as a relatively few men own the sources and means of life  they will corrupt our politics, they will enslave the working class, they will impoverish and debase society, they will do all things that are needful to perpetuate their power as the economic masters and the political rulers of the people. Not until these great forces of production are owned and operated by the people can the people hope for any material, improvement in their social condition. there will be no material change in the condition of the people until we have a new social system based upon the mutual economic interests of the people: until you and I and all of us collectively own those things that we collectively need and use. The working class can only emancipate itself in one way, and this is by making the means of production common property and this means the emancipation of the human race.

The capitalist who profits by the class struggle seeks to cover and obscure it so that it may be perpetuated. They accuse the socialists that if they succeed to power they will at once proceed to subjugate and enslave us allWhat the Socialist Party seeks to do is let the exploited worker know who is the real master, the employer and the State. No working person, no matter what wage, no matter how long he or she lives, no matter how economically prudent one may be, no worker can get rich by his or her toil. The man who gets rich is he who lives off the sweat and leeches from the blood of the working class to profit himself.

The Socialist Party is organising to abolish the capitalist system, and to accomplish this object we require to take political power. It must be a class-conscious party. Present government is entirely coercive. It is simply a policeman, and its chief duty consists in keeping the exploited victims of the capitalist in subjection and creating new markets or defending the old ones. We must have socialist administration instead of capitalist government. We must succeed at the ballot box.

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