

Friday, December 04, 2020

The Socialist Party - The Voice of the People


Food shortages, we are told by the capitalists, their media and their politicians, are caused by famines resulting from wars. This is true – to a certain extent. But it is not the whole truth, and a part truth is the worst kind of lie. The truth is that the shortage of food available for workers is being deliberately made worse by certain capitalists in order to get extra profits.

Profits, not needs, determine the allocation of food. The food capitalists sell the food at the highest prices they can get. The wealthy can pay higher prices than the workers, thus get the food they need. Only what is left, if any, reaches the workers. It is another tale of the waste, inefficiency and anarchy of the existing system. All of the poverty and greed, bloodshed and suffering on this capitalist-dominated planet is why we’re going to change it! The Socialist Party is the only party that has the courage to voice this demand, this hope, this desire. It is the capitalist system of industrial and commercial rivalry, the system of exploitation, hatred, and intrigue, the capitalist system with its despots on the throne, in the factory and counting-house in all lands, that plunged the world into the unspeakable disaster. It is the World Socialist Movement based on the rule of the people, synonymous with true absolute democracy, industrial as well as political, that alone can save the world. The workers in the factory and the field must unite against the ruling class parasites. It must be class war on the capitalists.

Socialism is described in different phrases as, Labour Theory of Value or the Materialistic Conception of History. They may sound complicated, but the ideas themselves are simple enough, so simple that some folk may wonder why it had to be discovered, or why anyone should ever have doubted it. Ideas do not make facts, but facts make ideas, and the ideas born of these facts that we have just been examining are some of the ideas that go to make up socialismThe difference between reform and revolution is this: A reform is a change in the laws or the way of enforcing the laws, brought about by the same class that has all the time been in control. A revolution is a change in the laws or their enforcement brought about by a new ruling class, which overthrows the class that has thus far ruled

The SOCIALIST PARTY stands not for reform but for revolution, because it holds that the rule of the capitalist class, under which the workers now suffer, must be brought to an end. The Socialist Party understand that if all the “reforms that are being agitated were to be conceded by the capitalists, there would be no real gain of any great importance for the working class. Its constant aim therefore is to organise the workers into a party which shall finally dislodge the capitalists from power once for all, and establish the Cooperative Commonwealth.

 The Socialist Party intends to turn the means of production and distribution into common property to be owned by all and operated for all through various democratic administrative bodies. The  Socialist Party is firmly based on the working class, party of which the elected delegates will remain the servants not become the masters.  In every land beneath the sun it is the party of the dispossessed and the impoverished. It is the party of human emancipation. It stands for a world-wide democracy, for the freedom of every man, woman and child, and for the civilisation of all mankind. The Socialist Party stands for the absolute overthrow of the existing capitalist system and for the reorganisation of society into an industrial and social democracy. will mean an end to the private ownership of the means of life; it will mean an end to wage-slavery; it will mean an end to the army of the unemployed; it will mean an end to the poverty, the prostitution of women and the stifling of childhood. It will mean that this earth is for those who inhabit it and wealth for those who produce it. It will mean society organised upon a co-operative basis, collectively owning the sources of wealth and the means of production, and producing wealth to satisfy human wants and not to gorge a privileged few. It will mean that all shall be the comrades and equals, sharing the opportunities as well as the responsibilities, the benefits as well as the burdens of community life. No longer will the workers be pitted against each other. have brains as well as brawn, that we can think as well as work, and that we do not need politicians to run our lives, or masters to rob them of the fruits of our toil. We will establish the economic and political unity and solidarity of the workers of the world. The Socialist Party is the political expression of that unity and solidarity. Organised on both the economic and political fields, the working class can prevail against the capitalist class. The economic organisation and the political party of the working class must both be revolutionary and they must work together hand in hand, in solidarity.

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