

Thursday, December 03, 2020

The People's Voice


The golden rule of capitalism is the rule of profit. To continually increase their profits, the capitalists do everything in their power to speed-up production and decrease wages. It also means that each capitalist strives to concentrate production by buying increasingly efficient and powerful machines, which, by reducing the costs of production, allow him to get an edge over his capitalist competitors. In this race for maximum profits, the strongest capitalists win out, forming coalitions and financial groups controlling capital worth billions.

Capitalism, the system of exploitation for maximum profits extended over the entire globe. Not only did the capitalists exploit the working people of their own country, but in their drive for markets, raw materials and new areas for capital investment, a system of barbaric oppression and aggression developed to exploit the peoples of the entire world, particularly in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

According to the food experts, there are millions of people who will face dangerous malnutrition or actual starvation. The food shortage will, as always, hit the poorest the hardest. And it’s all the fault of the capitalist system. It is the we pay for continuing the capitalist system, the price for allowing the ascendancy of the power of money over the needs of man. For a permanent solution of the vital issue of food, for its equitable distribution and for its most abundant production, a world socialist society must be constructed.


Our world is capable of producing and delivering abundant food supplies and all the informed experts agree that it is feasible to wipe out starvation through organised distribution of food. It is only the lack of political will to distribute food without profit that prevents starvation from being eradicated. Those who hold theories that the population is exceeding Earth’s capability to provide food can be considered crackpots. The Socialist Party admits that the cooperative production and distribution of wealth for the equal benefit of the entire community, can only be accomplished when all people have access, not only to the land, but to the tools and technology of modern society.

The housing shortage is becoming more and more acute with no real relief in sight. The mounting cost of living and the shrinkage in housing are the twin burdens that weigh most heavily upon the mass of the people. Productivity has reached undreamed-of heights; skills are available and so are the raw materials. Technology made new and great strides. And yet, not even the socially necessary minimum of shelter is available to the people who produce. Does not this indicate the bankruptcy of a system? The housing shortage is not a new phenomenon. Nowhere in the world can capitalism point to having provided adequate housing for the people. Conversely there can be no real or lasting solution to this problem without a radical solution of the social and economic conditions. The housing problem, as well as the problem of other necessities of life, is indissolubly linked with the inefficiency of the capitalist system. The full and complete solution of the housing question is most intimately and directly bound up with a socialist solution of all the burning problems of society.That housing is one of the basic needs of the people nobody denies; and yet every housing programme that has been projected has been stymied by the profit motive. The lesson is inescapable. Without the socialist solution even such noble ventures come to naught. Conversely, the capitalist profit system itself remains the greatest obstacle in the way of adequate housing for the people, just as it stands in the way of satisfying all the other peoples’ needs. Hence our determination to fight for the socialist society. Such a system would first of all put an end to speculative land owners, to real estate sharks and rent-gougers, not to mention the profit hungry mortgage brokers and financiers. Profit returns would no longer enter into calculations for home building. On the contrary, the needs of the people would be the highest concern.. The need for homes is never satisfied, precisely because the profit system bars the way. 

If people can accept the idea of a free national health service, why not a national food service, or free housing? And then why not worldwide rather than just national?

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