

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Changing Capitalism? Or is Capitalism Changing You?

 An event of a century ago may not be an up-to-the-minute sensational news flash, so please indulge me dear reader. 

Recently I read Jared Diamond’s, ''Upheaval'', which is about how the stooges of the capitalist class in several countries, dealing with the specific problems capitalism up-chucks on them in their respective neck of the woods. 

Diamond mentions how the Australian Labour Party, (which, incidentally touted itself the first working class party ever elected to power in 1905), dealt with immigration. They restricted it from very poor countries because they wanted to protect the high wages of Australian workers by preventing the immigration of cheap labour. 

Another example of a reformist party wanting to change capitalism and being changed by it.

S.P.C. Members.

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