

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Socialism means Social Change


Everyone, the workers and their families, are thinking and worrying about what will happen in this period of uncertainty. Hand in hand with economic distress, capitalism also holds in prospect a political tyranny which it needs to secure itself from the angry indignation of a people determined not to be ground into poverty. Against the looming dark future of capitalism, the Socialist Party, offers the promise of socialism – a real solution to the social ills that beset mankind. We invite fellow-workers to join with us in the fight for a better world so we may live as human beings as we are entitled to live. Don’t waste your support on capitalist politician.

There is nothing automatic about socialism; there are no guarantees it will come. First and foremost it is necessary for working people to build a movement which dedicates itself to the socialist cause on a revolutionary and democratic basis. The very course of struggle opens new possibilities of victory. Every human being who desires to put an end to this society of poverty war and hunger, must find a place in the world socialist movement. That means simply this: revolution against the exploiting capitalist class. The future promise of socialism is a system to satisfy basic human needs.

The ideas, demands and movements of workers’ participation, workers’ control, self-management, direct workers’ rule, workers’ democracy, etc., have a long-standing tradition and are deeply rooted. These ideas imbue and permeate, in one way or another, the rise of world socialism. The Socialist Party will not be a party to deception. We tell the workers the truth and help organise the aim to end this horrible system and assist the introduction of a socialist system of society. We say reformism is not a moderate or a slow gradual way to socialism, but it isn’t. We are in in opposition to “condescending saviors.” The choice is quite simple. We in the Socialist Party are all agreed on the need for the Social Revolution, that is, the conquest of power by the working-class and the subsequent transformation of our capitalist into a socialist society. If we did not believe in it is possible, we would not be socialists. 

When all of society has been transformed, the social ills left over from capitalism have been eliminated, and the community of workers has been established, then socialism, a completely class-free society, will have been achieved, and humanity will enter a whole new epoch of evolution. There will no longer be the need for the state, since there will no longer be any class to suppress, and the state will be replaced with common administration by all of society. Socialism eliminates the anarchy of capitalism and its crises, by common ownership of the means of production and collective planning of the economy controlled by the working people, this removes the tremendous barriers to production that capitalist relations have erected. Unemployment will be ended, because socialism will be able to make full use of the labour of everyone in society, while at the same time developing and introducing new machinery and scientific methods to expand output. As technology replaces workers, workers will not be thrown into the streets, but transferred to other jobs–according to an overall plan–and the working day for all workers will be reduced. The nature of work itself will change completely, because the labor of the workers will no longer go to enrich capital to further enslave the working class, but to improve life today, while providing for the future, according to the conscious plan. Machines will no longer be weapons in the hands of the capitalists to grind down the working class, and workers will no longer be a mere extension of the machine, as they are under capitalism. Instead machines will become tools in the hands of the working class in its own struggle to revolutionise society. All this will unleash the stored-up knowledge of the working class, based on its direct experience in production, and inspire workers to make new breakthroughs in improving production. Work itself will become a joy and enrichment of the worker’s life, instead of a miserable means to sustain existence, as it is under capitalism. Socialism will mean all this, and much more. 

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