

Monday, January 18, 2021

Emancipated Humanity


The Socialist Party came into existence in 1904. The principles upon which it was founded, and has consistently adhered to, have won it the reputation of being the only genuine socialist party in the UK. The Labour Party and the left-wing are parties of social reformism. Although they all claim to have for their object the ultimate establishment of socialism, their immediate aim is the reforming of the present social system.

The Socialist Party is not a reform party. Its purpose is the abolition of the present social order, ending the exploitation of labour by a parasitic ruling class. The reorganising of society upon a class-free basis is the goal of the Socialist Party. Our task is the organising of the necessary forces for that purpose to accomplish the revolution of the workers, to succeed in winning over the majority of our fellow-workers, freeing them from divisions and building a common understanding and a common will to action, moving along a definite course, not pulling in different directions.


The Socialist Party has pursued the policy of reaching as large numbers as possible with a sound elementary promotion of socialist principlesIn capitalist society, that which the worker sells — labour power — his or her physical and mental skill, takes on the character of a commodity. Certain economic laws govern the capitalist system, which is a commodity producing one. A knowledge of those laws is imperative, if the workers are going to participate intelligently in the daily struggles against their exploiters. The logical course to pursue is to link up with those who seek the abolition of all exploitation, through the ushering in of a new class-free socialist world. We absolutely refuse to give up the name of socialists just because the reformists have dragged it in the mud and because the capitalist apologists attack it

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