

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

What Matters


A party in this day can be either a capitalist party or it is a socialist party. It is the one or the other. It cannot be both.The capitalist class  and the working class are pitted against eachother throughout the world.These classes can never be  reconciled. It is this that is called the class struggle. Politics is simply the expression in political terms of the economic interests of certain groups or classes. The masters and exploiters understand this and is why they are in politics, not in non-partisan politics, but the politics of vested interests.The master class now in power cannot rule honestly. They must rule corruptly They are in the minority. They have not the votes of their own to put them in power, but they have the money with which to corrupt the electorate. They have the money with which to corrupt the courts and to buy the legislators, and to debauch all our institutions. They have the power to do this because they have the money, and they have the money because they own the means of production and distribution. The great mass of the workers depend upon them for employment. In this system no working person has a right to work except under conditions that the master who owns the work-place where he works with grants the permission to work, and who works by permission lives by permission, and is in no sense a free person.


Poverty amid plenty is common in this world of fabulous abundance. We live in perhaps the most favoured time of sophisticated mass technology and land of the richest and most fertile soil, with all of the raw materials and resources in abundance.Is it not strange that in this land of fabulous plenty there is still so much poverty, so many million of our people whose life consists of a long, hard, fierce struggle for survival, victims of hunger, disease and homelessness.  


The Socialist Party tells our fellow-workers about the class struggle, not because we are in favour of the existence of classes, quite the contrary, because we are opposed to classes and wants to put an end to the class divisions.The Socialist Party is committed to our Declaration of Principles. To compromise principle is to court death and disaster. It is better to be true to a principle, far better to be in a hopeless minority than to be in a great popular and powerful majority of the unthinking. All the progress in this whole world’s history has been made by minorities.


Workers of brain and brawn, it is you and you alone who support the government. Were it not for you, the social fabric would collapse in an instant. It is you who do the work, the useful work. It is you who produce the wealth, you who support the government and maintain civilisation. You have but to awaken and stand together then our day will come - the emancipation of the workers and the true civilisation of all mankind.The Socialist Party hold our red banner defiantly aloft and go forward with our work without apology and without fear, knowing as we do that capitalism is criminal, corrupt, and festering with every evil, and that socialism and socialism alone can avert the upheavals which threatens, and bring peace and sanity to the world.


This is a wonderful age in which we live — an age of scientific and technological miracles, yet also an age of widespread discontent and unrest.Altruism is enlightened self-interest. There will be no war. War is murder in uniform and the production of instruments of death is the prostitution of genius. War is caused by international competition and is carried on for monetary profits.


An economic system founded upon injustice must produce the effects that we see all around us every day — degradation, deprivation, and despair. and in the face of these facts it is blindness and foolishness to try to find the remedy in the reform of some effect. We must go to the root of the matter. Once all men and women stand in a just relation to each other economically, the other things will follow. The other problems must be worked out for themselves, it is true, but the economic problem must be solved first.


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