

Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Profit Motive! The Lifeblood Of Capitalism?


Regular readers of this monthly report will recall the uproar over the high percentage of deaths from COVID-19 in senior citizens homes. You might think it would be getting better, but no Siree, it’s getting worse and then some! 

A guy at Erin Meadows Home in Mississauga, Ontario shared a room with a guy who had the virus, but the staff wouldn't move him so he got it. His family are taking the owners Schlegel Villages Inc. to court; the suit alleges their neglect caused 21 deaths at the facility, between March and June; what lovely caring people. 

It has also been reported that an outbreak at the Kennedy Lodge Long Term Care Home in Scarborough, Ontario, caused 29 deaths and a total of 92 positive cases, in the span of one month. 

The Toronto Star's analysis of recent data shows that residents in for-profit homes are three times more likely to catch the virus than those in non-profit homes, which should surprise nobody with a basic understanding of how capitalism works. 

A spokesperson for the Healthcare union said the workers at these for-profit homes are terrified and are, understandably, quitting, which compounds the problem.

 So the profit-motive is not, as some say, the lifeblood of capitalism – it’s blood death.

S.P.C. Members.

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