

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Workplace Injuries At Amazon’s Warehouses In Canada

Our friends at the Toronto Star are continuing to expose the many evils of crapitalism without ever daring to suggest we abolish it. In this vein their issue of Dec.12 focused on workplace injuries at Amazon's warehouses in Canada, into which the Star’s investigators had looked. 

They found Amazon's workplace injuries in 2019 were 16% higher than the companies U.S. average and has doubled since 2016. An analysis of hundreds of claims submitted to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board showed how Amazon disputed, very aggressively, the severity of its workers’ injuries -- a strategy that can reduce their accident costs and the benefits injured workers would receive. 

One must also bear in mind that many of their workers are putting in a 60 hour workweek. This was made mandatory for any employer who wanted to enforce it by Ontario's Harris government in the 1990's. 

Such a long workweek will create 2 tiredness, which will lead to accidents. Despite safety laws, life doesn't basically change under capitalism, nor will it.

S.P.C. Members.

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