Sunday, May 22, 2022

Towards Socialism


The first step in the revolution is the expropriation of the capitalists and the taking over by the working-class of all the means of production — the land, factories, mines, railways, docks, etc., no less than the communication system, etc. By this means we can begin the social organisation of production, free from the burdens of parasitism and private ownership.

The second step is the organisation of production to meet social needs. Every industry is organised as a single unit under its own Council, with workers’ control at every stage of production. The direction of all is united in the central Council of Industry or Workers’ Economic Council. The Council of Industry plans out the entire production of the country: so much coal, so much textiles, so much iron and steel goods, etc. The output is calculated, according to the given stage of the productive forces, to meet the three purposes: (1) goods to meet the immediate needs of the population; (2) means of production to extend the productive power in the future; (3) goods to share with other communities. 

The entire social product thus goes in one of these forms to the workers, whether socially or for individual consumption. The necessary work to be done is spread out over the entire labour force, i.e., the whole able-bodied community, hours being shortened to absorb the labour of all (in place of the capitalist method of overworking some in order to leave the rest unemployed). Necessary adaptations to new forms of work and industrial transference can be rapidly and easily effected, when these no longer involve cutting of rates, loss of skilled status, etc. (as in capitalism compels the justified resistance of the workers), but are carried out with the co-operation of the workers concerned, and without affecting the equal privileges and guaranteed minimum of every worker.

What will be the immediate consequences of the change-over from the present capitalist society to the workers’ socialist society — the fruits of the workers’ revolution and its sacrifices? We shall have ended unemployment,  we shall have at last directed production to meet the needs of all,  we shall have abolished the rule of class distinctions and privilege, and entered on the way to the first real democracy and freedom for all, the free and equal workers’ society. Workers’ self-rule will immediately set itself to realise in order to bring the fruits of the revolution to all, in order to end the present reign of inequality — inequality in respect of every elementary human need of food, clothing, shelter, conditions of labour health, education, etc., and bring the material conditions of real freedom and development to all.


The present tribute drawn by the capitalist class in the shape of rent, interest and profits will cease.  It is evident that, on the most immediate practical basis, and leaving out of account the enormous increase in production which will result from universal socially organised production, the workers’ rule will be able immediately, so soon as the change is achieved, to realise the most enormous advances in standards, hours, conditions of labour and social conditions. The capitalists and their propagandists try to frighten the workers from revolution by holding before them the spectre that revolution means “deprivation,” that the workers depend on capitalism for their existence. The contrary is the truth. That the workers can by the method of social revolution, and by the method of social revolution alone, rapidly overcome the difficulties of the present crisis, can rapidly reconstruct and extend production and win prosperity for all, has been already shown. The continuance of capitalism that means misery and suffering.

Forward to socialism! Forward to the social revolution! There is no time to lose. We are advancing to wider struggles, towards a new revolutionary phase. The issue of class-power, the issue of capitalism or socialism. We need to prepare for this. We need to prepare the new forms of struggle. We need to build up a strong working-class to fight, drawing together the various forms of mass organisation factory committees, the unions, the cooperatives, uniting the fight stage by stage to the revolutionary victory.

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