Friday, May 31, 2019

Socialism, the future of humanity

The Socialist Party stands irreconcilably opposed to capitalism and works for the establishment of world socialism. Capitalism means anarchy of production; capitalism means profits come first. Capitalism means the control of our lives by a handful of powerful, giant corporations whose power must be broken! It can be done; it must be done. Is private property more sacred than human life? The people want a change from the misery and uncertainty of the old system, the system of capitalist exploitation and profit, and all the capitalist parties can only offer is the preservation of the old, discredited and bankrupt system. Ruling society and ruling you, is the capitalist class and they drive society to a new barbarism. The working class still follows the capitalist parties, still pursues capitalist politics. Big Business are eternally seeking ways and means to undermine and destroy the workers’ own organisations, the trade unions. They want to convert the workers into helpless serfs, unable to defend their hard-won rights and living standards.

 There are no “friends of labour” in the capitalist parties. The workers' only true friend is its own strong right arm. Capitalism offers charities, food-banks, and the gig economy. The bosses know this. That is why they are so intent on crushing the organised labour movement. They want no resistance from their victims. Fewer and fewer people are satisfied with the status quo but the powerful ideology of “There Is No Alternative” (TINA) has constrained many people’s political imagination and consigned them to political apathy. Our task as socialists is to convince them that there is, indeed, an alternative to capitalism.

Upon socialism, depends the future of humanity and of civilisation. The inauguration of socialism is the aim of the Socialist Party. That is the task of the working class. That is the road to human freedom. Capitalism, by its method of production, has brought isolated workers together and constituted them as a class in society. Capitalism has made the workers a class in themselves. That is, the workers are a distinct class in society, whether they recognise this fact or not. Historical development calls upon this class to reorganise society completely and establish socialism. To do this, the workers must become a class for themselves. They must acquire a clear understanding of their real position under capitalism, of the nature of capitalist society as a whole, and of their mission in history. They must act consciously for their class interests. They must become conscious of the fact that these class interests lead to a socialist society. When this takes place, the workers are a class for themselves, a class with socialist consciousness. Workers acquire this consciousness by a clear, thoroughgoing understanding of capitalist society, their position in it, and the need to replace this society with socialism. To imbue the workers with this rounded-out class consciousness, or socialist consciousness; to organise the struggle for socialism – that is the function of the Socialist Party, the only political organisation which advocates socialism. The Socialist Party challenges the capitalist system and proposes to remove it, (as if it were a cancerous growth on human society.) Socialism means a society of peace and plenty, instead of a society of war and hunger. Only the working class, which has nothing to gain and everything to lose under capitalism, can create a socialist world.

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