As mentioned previously, Toronto's mayor was elected on the "stop the City hall gravy train in Toronto" which is right-wing speak for slashing programs for the needy and saving the rich from tax increases. Mayor Ford commissioned a $3 million report which failed to find much in the way of gravy but lots in program cuts, such as closing branch libraries and cutting the hours of operation at others, closing day care for low-income families so they could to go out to work, recreation programs for city children and youth, breakfasts for needy children, cutting transit routes. Ford gave the people a chance to present their cases – an all night session, designed so that many would go home and get ready for work rather than stay up all night. But the voters fell for his pitch and may well do so again as the Conservatives are challenging in the upcoming provincial election with a 'tough on crime line', i.e. full serving of sentences that will crowd the jails, and getting prisoners to clean up the highways, Georgia style. Time for the electorate to wake up and start afresh with common ownership and real democracy. John Ayers
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