The Left have just not been interested any criticism of what has become a dogma in their circles: that socialists are duty-bound to support struggles for "national liberation". The "revolutionary" Left simply "trot" out the old anti-imperialism position of supporting the weaker country against imperialist aggression which refuses any real class analysis of war. “Imperialism” is a slippery word as all states seek to channel as much of world profits their way as they can. It is just that some states are stronger – some, much, much stronger – than others and so are better at doing this. In which case “imperialist” would just be another way of describing the successful states. But this does not mean that currently weaker states are not striving to do the same. Imperialism is not something separate from capitalism. All capitalist countries, not just those normally labelled “imperialist”, are prepared to use force to further the vital economic interests of their capitalist class. Every up-and-coming capitalist power finds the world already carved up by the established powers. If it is to expand its influence it must clash with these powers, as Germany, Japan, Italy and Russia have found and as China is now finding. All of them, in their time, have beaten the "anti-imperialist" drum, that is, have opposed the domination of the world by Britain and France and later America. Mussolini talked of Italy as a "proletarian nation" in a class war against the "bourgeois nations". Nazi Germany stirred up Arab and Latin American nationalism. Japan advanced the slogan of "Asia for the Asians". Russia, too, and now China, like Germany before, vociferously denounce Anglo-French-American imperialism. Anti-imperialism is the doctrine long used by capitalists in relatively weak countries to try and pursue their ends.
Anti-imperialist nationalism is the ideology of an actual or
aspirant capitalist class that seeks the way to its own independent state
blocked by imperialism and therefore must mobilize the masses to help break
down this obstacle. The logic of such movements is to subordinate the interests
of workers and other exploited classes to those of the bourgeois leadership and
that such movements can tie their movement to presently supportive states that
may well be prepared to use it as a bargaining chip in their pursuit of their
own geopolitical interests. Different Islamist tendencies and regimes that may
now present themselves as anti-imperialist have a history of collaborating with
imperialism. It is of the essence of bourgeois nationalists that, when
imperialism prevents them for building their own independent capitalist state,
they may lead struggles against it, but they are striving to carve out a place
for themselves within the existing system, not to overthrow it. This means
that, sooner or later, they will come to terms with imperialism.
In ‘Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism’ Lenin
sought to demonstrate that capitalism was not only in decline, but exhausted
its progressive role in history, it had become, in its imperialist phase,
positively retrogressive, also missed the mark.
Lenin’s article on imperialism was written at a time where members of
the Second International were busy voting for war credits while the working class
was being slaughtered by the millions so Lenin was not interested in writing a
“theory” of imperialism for all time but a polemic during WW1, an
inter-imperialist conflict. The main branch of support for this was that it was
German militarism which supposedly caused the war. Lenin made the point of
showing how all the allied powers were probably far worse imperialists and
militarists than Germany. Having identified the "age of imperialism"
as "capitalism's last stage of development" and as "the eve of
the proletarian revolution," Lenin saw the WW1 as the beginning of an
international revolution and consistently called not for the restoration of the
capitalist peace but for turning the imperialist war into civil war.
Lenin's conception possessed a fairly run-of-the-mill
analysis of imperialism and colonialism as put forward by Social Democrats of
the time. It was heavily based on a work of the Austrian Social Democrat Rudolf
Hilferding. Due to the higher profits to be made in the colonies and less
developed countries than at home. Lenin and Hilferding gave detailed accounts
of the supposedly unstoppable growth of monopoly in industry and banking but
carried it much further, crediting the banks with dominating industry and the
cartels with fixing prices and dividing up world markets among themselves.
Lenin wrote: "Cartels become one of the foundations of the whole economic
life. Capitalism has been transformed into imperialism." Hilferding wrote:
"An ever-increasing proportion of the capital used in industry is finance
capital, capital at the disposition of the banks which is used by the
industrialists". Lenin quoted and endorsed this. Hilferding said that it
was only necessary to take over six large Berlin banks to take possession of
". . . the most important spheres of large-scale industry". It is
worth noticing that in the depression of the 1930s most of the big German banks
collapsed, or almost did so, along with the industrial companies in which the
banks' money was tied up. Among other forecasts forecasts made by Lenin was
that because of the dominance of finance capital "there was a decrease in
the importance of the Stock Exchange". Kautsky, thought that the end
result would be "a single world monopoly . . . a universal trust",
followed by socialism. Hilferding thought that this single world monopoly was
"thinkable economically, although socially and politically such a state
appears unrealisable, for the antagonism of interests . . . would necessarily
bring about its collapse". But Hilferding thought that world cartels would
result in "longer . . . periods of prosperity" and shorter
depressions. The long depression of the 1930s and others since belie this. How
far this process will go remains to be seen, but the belief of Hilferding and
Lenin that competition was dead, has been disproved. Hilferding, Lenin and all
failed to allow for the sectional divisions of interest in the capitalist
class. Hilferding treated the monopolist industries as representing a united
capitalist class. Lenin made a valid point in his Imperialism about some
annexationist wars. He wrote that sometimes the powers try to annexe regions
"not so much for their own direct advantage as to weaken an adversary and
undermine its hegemony". Lenin and Hilferding both saw the growth of
monopoly and its resulting wars as a prelude to socialism, and insisted that
socialism was the only answer. But Hilferding found himself acting as Finance
Minister in a German coalition government, trying vainly to solve the problems
of German capitalism. And Lenin's "socialism" has resulted in Russia
becoming a capitalist super-power.
It was only in 1920, in a preface to the French and German
editions of his ‘Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism’ that Lenin
introduced the idea that a section of the working class in the imperialist
countries shared in the booty extracted from capitalists, the so-called
“aristocracy of labour” of skilled workers – shares in the proceeds of the
exploitation of colonial and now ‘Third World’ countries, workers and peasants
in the rest of the world. Basically, he argued that as profits were greater in
the undeveloped parts of the world capitalists were eager to invest there; this
brought the capitalist states into continual conflict over the division of the
world. Part of the "super-profits" of this imperialist exploitation
were used to pay higher wages and provide social reforms for sections of the
workers at home. They were thus led away from revolutionary socialism towards
opportunism. His anti-imperialism was to try to secure the support of
anti-colonial movements for his beleaguered regime in Russia. If they
succeeded, he believed, they would deprive the imperialist state concerned of
its super-profits and so also of its ability to buy off its workers. Deprived
of their share the workers' standard of living would drop and they would once
again become revolutionary, affording a chance for a Bolshevik-type vanguard to
seize power. It was a political manoeuvre – “workers and colonial peoples
unite” – that went against the basic principle of Marxian economics that wages
represent the value of the labour-power a worker sells and contain no element
of surplus value. Wages paid to skilled workers here reflect the higher quality
– due to more education, training and skill – of the labour power they have to
sell. Marx had a quite different explanation as to why wages were higher in
these countries. Both productivity and the rate of exploitation (ratio of paid
to unpaid labour) were higher there:
"The more productive one country is relative to another
in the world market, the higher will be its wages compared with the other. In
England, not only nominal wages but (also) real wages are higher than on the
continent. The worker eats more meat, he satisfies more needs. This, however,
only applies to the industrial worker and not the agricultural labourer. But in
proportion to the productivity of the English workers their wages are not
higher (than the wages paid in other countries)" (Marx, Theories of
Surplus Value, Part Two, pages 16-17).
A lower rate of wages does not make any one country any less
capitalist than another: "The different states of the different civilised
countries, in spite of their motley diversity of form, all have this in common,
they are based on modern bourgeois society, only one more or less capitalistically
developed" ( Marx, Critique of the Gotha Programme, 1875).
Many on the Left assert that socialists should support any
movement, even if it is not socialist, that weakens "American
imperialism" which they say is the main threat to social revolution throughout
the world, just as Marx supported moves against Tsarist Russia. Second, and
this comes from Lenin, the Vietcong and workers in the West are fighting the
same enemy—imperialism—and so we should support each other. It is true that in
the middle of the nineteenth century Marx saw Tsarist Russia, the
"gendarme of Europe", as a great threat to the further social
progress of mankind. He felt that if Russia overran western Europe it would
crush the democratic movement and put the social revolution back for years.
Therefore, he was ready to support any moves that might weaken the power of
Tsarist Russia. He supported Britain, France and Turkey in the Crimean war. He
stood for an independent Polish state, to be a buffer between Russia and the
rest of Europe. He did all he could to expose the pro- Russia policies and
intrigues of Lord Palmerston. These may seem odd activities for a
socialist—and, indeed, we have criticised Marx for them. Marx argued that
before Socialism is possible society must pass through the capitalist stage.
But this is no automatic process; it depends on the outcome of human struggles.
Russia was "reactionary" in the proper sense of the word in that it
was a threat to the development even of capitalism. Marx opposed Tsarist Russia,
not because it was the strongest capitalist power, but because it was the
strongest anti-capitalist power. Looking back now we can see that Marx was
over-optimistic as to the prospects of a socialist revolution in Europe. In
time the capitalist states of western Europe grew stronger and the Tsarist
Empire weaker, finally to be destroyed along with Austro- Hungary and Imperial
Germany in the first world war. Before that even, Russia in a bid to keep its
armed forces up to date had become indebted to the capitalists of France and
Belgium. Well before the turn of the century we can say that conditions had
changed since Marx's day. Capitalism was firmly established as the new world
order. Russia was no longer a threat. Anti-imperialism is not the same as
anti-capitalism. The task of socialists is clear - to oppose all wars and
nationalist movements and to work to build up a world-wide workers' movement
with socialism as its aim. This has always been the policy of the Socialist
Party. Anti-imperialist struggles are class struggles under an ideological
smokescreen, but not of the working class. They are either struggles by an
aspiring capitalist class to establish themselves as a new national ruling
class or struggles by an established but weak national ruling class to gather a
bigger share of world profits for themselves. There is no reason why socialists
should support them. Socialists do not allow themselves to be used as tools of
some capitalist state. Socialists are opposed to world capitalism and to
governments everywhere. If we are to eliminate wars, waged to obtain markets
for the surplus wealth the workers produce, we must realise that our position
in society is to transform the private ownership of the means of production and
distribution into social ownership, producing for use instead of for profit.
The function of the World Socialist Movement is to educate the workers to this
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