Sunday, July 22, 2018

Socialist musings from Canada's past

The Slave of the Farm (1914) By Alf Budden
Our work is plain before us, the masters hold their place because they hold political power, they are few, we are many, we must then join hands with our brothers of the factory, mill or mine and workers all, go to the ballot and grasp political power; Send our own men to parliament to rule as we shall dictate. 

The Socialist Party have this aim in view, not to dally with reform but to go straight to the goal and sweep the master class from power. Farm slaves, your case is desperate. The minutes are flashing past into hours, the hours into days, the days into years. The new form of society – Social ownership (not to be confounded with Government ownership), is ready to burst the cramping shell of the old. It awaits but the effort of a united working class. How long will you dally? 

Knowledge is power. Read, study, think and then act. For things will go from bad to worse until you have sense enough to call a halt.

For socialism,

 Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

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