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The Revolution has a positive goal, that the workers take possession of all the tools of production. No serious-minded person would venture to predict exactly how the Revolution will come about. Revolution is not the act of a few persons; it does not take place according to a preconceived plan but is produced by uncontrollable circumstances which no individual can command. We should not, therefore, intend to draw up a blueprint for the future.
The capitalist class live in splendour by exploiting the working class through the daily robbery of the enormous wealth the workers produce. In contrast to this, exploitation, oppression, poverty and misery characterise the lives of the working class. The capitalist class is a small class composed of those who own and control the financial institutions and means of production – the land, raw materials, machines, mines, mills, factories and farms. The capitalists are as a class, a useless, dangerous, parasitic minority that can be dispensed with. The working class is made up of those who are deprived of the ownership of the means of production and therefore are forced to sell their labour power as a commodity to the capitalist class. It is this class which creates the wealth of society and from which the capitalists extract surplus value. The ranks of the working class also encompass the old and disabled workers and semi-permanently and permanently unemployed workers forced to live on wefare. The working class has the power in its hands to forge a new socialist society out of the ruins of the old capitalist one, and it alone is capable of running society in the interests of the great majority. Despite various theories of the working class “dying away,” being “bought off,” or losing its revolutionary potential, the working class is suffering more than ever before from capitalist exploitation and oppression and is growing in size world-wide. The international working class has “nothing to lose but its chains and a world to win.” Through its own emancipation, it will smash the chains of capitalism which bind the people of the whole world.
There is no point in talking about the misery of today’s society. Any person in full possession of their faculties will agree that our life is not a happy one. It is often said that the idea of socialism, a fine ideal , but is unfortunately unrealisable. When it is said that socialism, as an idea, is all very nice but is unachievable, no more is being said than what the theologians and philosophers, priests and statesmen have always said about change and progress. Why do you believe this? Because you cannot envisage anything other than brutality and ignorance, wickedness and foolishness in the world. Look around you. Modern industry has filled the whole world with its riches and yet it has created an unbridgeable gulf between the wealthy and the poor, between capitalists and workers.
We often hear the objection that work is so repulsive and harmful to health that nobody would undertake it unless he or she was forced to do so by necessity. This remark which is thought to be the greatest objection to socialism is rather the most conclusive argument in its favour. In a society for which the common welfare will be worth more than all the treasure of the world, in a society which will spare no cost to ensure that work is carried out in such a way that people can do it without harming their lives, in a society which will prefer not to have work done which is not justified from the overall human point of view, in such a society, such inhuman work as exists in our society based on robbery with murder, slavery, unreason and injustice will no longer exist. The more you find in our society such work which man only carries out through necessity, which in other words only a slave does, the more you ought to consider socialism, without which this work will neither be changed nor abolished, to be the indispensable condition for freedom, justice and humanity.
Why is the oppressed worker, the starving millions, promised a paradise in the future? Day by day workers are betrayed by politicians who try to mend matters by asserting that if they were not in power the workers would have been still worse off. This theory of the “lesser of two evils” is an important trump in the hands of the reformists. They make out that they are saving the working class and the whole of humanity from unheard of calamities, but what they actually attempt to do is to save capitalism. The working class to a certain extent is now beginning to lose confidence in the miracle-working effects of the government. It is the task of the Socialist Party to facilitate, to hasten the process of the liberation from the reformist illusions, to win the rest of our fellow workers to the side of the class struggle.
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