Friday, May 13, 2016
This is what socialism is
Socialism is about freedom.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
What is socialism?
No Equality
An article in the Toronto Metro News of April 18th focused on unequal pay between the genders in the retail sector in Ontario. Though 60% of Ontario's retail workforce is female, men outnumber them in management. Sixty-five percent of males are in full time jobs, compared to 57% of women.
The average retail wages per hour in Ontario in 2015 were -- managers in retail, food and accommodation: men $30.79; women $25.06. Salespeople and clerks: Men $15.51; women $13.10. Cashiers: men $12.34; women $11.84.
This will anger many people, both women and men, but it is pointless to fight for equality within capitalism, because its very nature causes it. Nor do the above facts mean the men earning more money don't live in poverty. Equality is a fine thing to desire and work for, but only in a society where all will stand equal in relation to the tools of production can it be produced. John Ayers.
Coping With The Miseries Of Life
Some Rabbis in Toronto recently held a public debate entitled "Putting God Second." The question was asked: "Why are the great monotheistic faiths – Judaism, Christianity and Islam unable to fulfil their own self-professed goal of creating individuals infused with moral sensitivity and societies governed by the highest ethical standards."
The significance of this question is that finally religious leaders have concluded that religion has failed to solve the world's problems, and nor could it; as Marx said, it was "the opiate of the people."
Only when the majority grasp the central fact that superstition is a way of coping with the miseries of life and reject it can we really start to abolish the cause of all misery.
John Ayers.
Socialism or nothing changes
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
The Choice Before Us
Social Revolution NOT Social Reforms
Marx, class and socialism (1988)
in every epoch the thoughts of the ruling class are the ruling thoughts; ie. the class that is the ruling material power of society is at the same time its ruling intellectual power. The class that has the means of material production in its control. controls at the same time the means of intellectual production (The German Ideology).
The essential difference between the various economic forms of society, between, for instance a society based on slave-labour, and one based on wage-labour, lies only in the mode in which this surplus-labour is in each case extracted from the actual producer (Capital, Vol I. chapter 9. section 1).
Capital has not invented surplus-labour. Wherever a part of society possesses the monopoly of the means of production, the labourer, free or not free, must add to the working time necessary for his own maintenance an extra working time in order to produce the means of production (Capital, Vol I. chapter 10. section 2).
The size of one's purse is a purely quantitative distinction whereby any two individuals of the same class may be incited against one another at will" (Moralizing Criticism and Critical Morality, 1847).
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Our dreams have become real
Socialist Party Summer School (Birmingham)
Friday, July 22, 6:00 PM
toFircroft College
- Money Talks
- Money flows through every aspect of society, and therefore affects every aspect of our lives. What possessions we have, the efficiency of the services we use, and how we are supposed to value ourselves are all shaped by the money system. We’re encouraged to think of the economy in much the same way as we think about the weather – something changeable, but always there. When the climate is ‘good’, life feels brighter. When the climate is ‘bad’, we huddle down until we can ride out the storm. Although we’ll always have the weather, the economy doesn’t have to be permanent. Our weekend of talks and discussion looks at the role of money in our society. In what ways does money affect how we think and behave? How does the economy really function? How did money come to be such a dominant force? We also look forward to a moneyless socialist society, which will be – in more than one sense of the word – free.
Sessions arranged so far...
Janet Surman will discuss a moneyless society: 'Profiting From A Moneyless World'
Adam Buick will present 'An Idiot's Guide To Banking: How To Avoid Being A Currency Crank'
Darren Poynton will select some short videos on 'The Root Of All Evil?: How money affects behaviour and attitudes'
Full residential cost (including accommodation and meals Friday evening to Sunday afternoon) is £100. The concessionary rate is £50. Day visitors are welcome, but please book in advance.
To book a place, send a cheque (payable to the Socialist Party of Great Britain) to Summer School, Sutton Farm, Aldborough, Boroughbridge, York, YO51 9ER, or book online. E-mail enquiries to
Sunday, May 08, 2016
Socialism Now Is Our Battle-cry.
Socialism or The Market
But as for solutions she offers none save more hand wringing.
Saturday, May 07, 2016
The Inhumane Economy
We can go forward
Friday, May 06, 2016
Workers Wake Up
Raking in the cash on poverty
How Green is my Capitalist Nonsense
TWENTY-ONE year old Ross Greer is celebrating a personal victory today after becoming the youngest-ever MSP at Holyrood.
The former Bearsden Academy student gained a seat for the West of Scotland region having first joined the party when he was just 15.It used to be said, "there is no fool like an old fool", but the legacy of utopian reformism seems to be carrying on through even younger apologists,however well meaning and sincere they may be personally.
All of the parties say this, with some variations on the theme and it is a nonsense in the context of a social system which depends upon the exploitation of a majority of wage enslaved workers, to produce for sale in the profitable interests of a minority parasite economic class.
Only a commonly owned, production for use ,free access society can deliver real social equality and do away with waged slavery, rationed access and governments 'over' the people.
Paternalism is a common attitude among well-meaning social reformers. Stemming from the root pater, or father, paternalism implies a patria...
To which I replied,"It would not need any level of oppression to prevent such silly behaviour, as access would be free and self determined in conditions of relative superabundance, once we had production for use. Coercion is only required when goods are rationed via the wages and prices system and production is for the profit of an economic elite minority parasite class."
Which prompted a further defence of market system ,
"Err, who decides what is "production for use"? Actually, we already have a mechanism to decide that, it's called the free market and it's proved much more effective than any law making at matching producers and customers.Rationing by price also works well. The experience of providing stuff as a right is not a happy one. It's a recipe for waste and abuse".
My rebuttal,.."The Market does not satisfy human needs. The market is not the answer. There is only one way to escape for workers from the detrimental effects of capitalism and that is for the economy to be run by the immediate producers themselves. Once in control of the process of production they would have no interest in wasting effort on producing goods that no one wants, on turning out goods of low quality, or resisting innovations that would make their work easier.
Socialism is a system of planning and management in which the workers allocate resources and democratically determine priorities themselves. Such a system demands that the people themselves articulate their needs as producers, consumers and citizens, in other words, that they become the masters of their conditions of work and life, that they progressively liberate themselves from despotism and diktat of the market and its tyranny of the wallet.
Socialism will be a delegatory democracy of various diverse workers and community councils. The rule of bureaucracy or technocracy is irreconcilable with the conscious control and direction, through planned democratic association of self-managing producers.